Crypto Market Resiliency Shows Increased Legitimacy; $OCEAN, $REN, $BNT, $AAVE, $GHST, $PNK


Over the past few weeks, the crypto market has shown a new level of resiliency as events from the US President catching Covid to US authorities cracking down on BITMEX have failed to plunge cryptocurrencies back to the levels experienced during the "Crypto Winter"

As recently as 2018 or even 2019 these recent developments would have had a significantly negative effect on the market. But in 2020, Bitcoin took the blows and managed to stay above the psychologically important $10,000 level. Now having bounced back near $11,500, BTC looks poised to continue its trek higher and take the rest of the crypto market with it.

With that in mind, I wanted to cover a few of my favorite projects that I feel will do well and potentially outperform BTC in the next weeks and months. One such project that I am especially bullish on currently is Ocean Protocol (OCEAN). The integrations this project has been rolling out reminds me of the earlier days of ChainLink before people really started to realize just how big it would be.

Another favorite of mine that just received a boost from COINBASE Pro is REN. With more and more BTC being locked up through the REN protocol so that it can be used in the growing Ethereum DeFi space, the upside for this token is just beginning in my opinion.

Bancor (BNT) continues to improve its platform and recently announced its solution to combat Impermanent Losses experienced by liquidity providers on defi platforms such as Uniswap. AAVE is in the process of completing the token swap from LEND to AAVE as it continues to roll out one of the most legitimate DeFi platforms in the crypto space. And from the creators of AAVE and playing on the growing NFT craze Aavegochi (GHST) has held up well during this market pullback and looks to perform well as the next wave hits.

And finally, I discuss Kleros (PNK). With ways to earn side income, a platform that provides an oracle and data service, and the possibility of helping to ease Ethereum scalability issues, Kleros is one any true crypto aficionado has their eye on.