Crypto Casino worth trying

Here’s two Crypto Casino to try out  for their Names are and Their sister counter part Nanogames  

There’s also a daily spin with the chance of winning up to 1 BTC 

also had a good rewards program and lvl systems 

The two best games on there that I think worth trying out are Cave and Egyptian. I’ll leave links at the end. 

here I’ll explain tricks you can use to make mad profits by playing this way as I’ve hit large wins when playing. So now let’s get into how it’s done.

Cave : so for this one what you going to do is when betting say ur using xlm, doge , trx, Ada , busd, Usdt, you’ll what to bet 0.01 of the crypto x50 spin or x200 spin rotation and learning to know when to tap spin, you can ultimately land on the same icon multi times and raise the bar up , book when maxed out every time ya hit over max amount it gets x7.5 and  maxing out  ruby necklace it gets x21 and if max out the ankh ya get the chance to get x100 multiplayer.

Next Game 

Egyptian game : so for this one what your going to do when betting say your using xlm, doge , trx, Ada , busd, Usdt , best to bet 0.0156 -0.02 amount do 50 auto spins and if no big wins refresh the page and do all over. Might take a few tries but when you get free spins that’s where you’ll make mad profits and also if ? Ball shows up ya want it to be on the second from the left . When in free spins the multiplayer goes to x3, x6, x9, x15, it takes four brakes of blocks to get x15 multiplayer to be active and you can get more free spins while in. Free spins .

My biggest win I had was over 1000x in one game and if ya are betting 0.01 - 0.02 of the crypto ultimately your looking at 10- 20 of the crypto ur betting 

Hope this  trick makes you mad profits when playing on the sites 

here’s the link to the sites