Crypto Biggies Share Mixed Reactions to Bitcoin Price Crash

It has been an amazing day since we see the biggies of the crypto community giving various comments as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies crash over the past 24 hours. BTC price dip has been an opportunity to go long for some; on the other hand, it has been a shorting button for the people panicking out. Two terms that have been trending throughout the social media platforms today have been:

1) Bitcoin and

2) Coronavirus

However, the question lies is, are the two connected?

To answer this, we would like to throw some light on the conditions of the market worldwide after the outbreak of pandemic COVID’ 19.

Friday, the 13th happened to be the day to remember for making the investors sit back and bite their nails, while bears take off.

Well, amidst all this, how do we rightly forget the crypto bigshots and influencers who are commenting controversially as Bitcoin price takes dramatic steps.

Analyzing what Alistair Milne, the investor, and the Bitcoin observant said in his above tweet about Bitcoin hitting $7k today itself. Well, can’t imagine the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of viewing the utter bottom and then again, the peak from where it dipped. Well, does he mean to say that Bitcoin has this magnificent power of turning the market from tip to toe?

Next, we have Charlie Shrem—the Bitcoin Pioneer who is in a way supporting the BTC loyalists as he says that even though the coin is weakening, in a way it is growing and glowing, believing that the spike after this bearish run will be a scene to watch out for.

Another bigshot adding to the positive end of the market crash is Justin Sun, CEO of Tron, stating that this happens to be the best time to invest, hold and wait until the bears turn into bulls. This shows how strongly he believes that Bitcoin will come back sooner than we think.

Another know trader, Peter Brandt, states about Bitcoin, yet adds to the negative sentiment of the same as he believes that if the momentum continues to remain the same, BTC is likely to welcome $1,000. Wait, WHHHHAAAT! We don’t think we see bottom this soon.

Another biggie, Peter Schiff, comments and weighs the negative sentiment of the fall more after Peter Brandt as he says that no one ever claimed that Bitcoin is a digital gold or a safe haven, rather a gamble and nothing more.