Crypto Beginnings.

Crypto has always been a topic fo scrutiny and serious and or confusing conversations.. today, that all changes. I’m happy to be a part of a community that not “only” wants to earn free crypto, but TEACH & actually LEARN about crypto and the benefits / usefulness it can have on our communities and our world as we know it right now. Crypto is the new gold and Ethereum is essentially our new silver. Bitcoin alone protects from the inflation of the American Dollar as we know it. It’s extremely volatile but it’s essentially a hedge against any depression that would have came without it. The world knows about Bitcoin and it’s not going anywhere!!

I will keep this post / thread updated to show different perks, benefits, and worldwide views and acceptance of the decentralized currency. This only scratches the surface. There are SO MANY alt coins that have specific jobs to do within the crypto world and the Blockchain that it’s curated on. The functions are amazing and when you look into Web 3.0 and our future of media, money, privacy, and the protection while accessing our money in the upcoming future.. we have a lot to learn but we also have found a way ahead of our threats how to protect ourselves. Please do your research. It’s coming, digital currency is being implemented daily and the more you know the better sooted for jobs, lifestyle, and the overall well-being of your life you will be.