Crypto Analyst Ben Armstrong: ‘Very Confident Bitcoin’s Going To Hit $300,000 This Year’

Recently, crypto analyst and influencer Ben Armstrong talked about Bitcoin in a video released on his very popular YouTube channel “BitBoy Crypto“.

Armstrong said:

If you’re able to own one full Bitcoin, you are going to be in a very good spot…

Derivatives exchanges now offer $100,000 to $300,000 Bitcoin call options, but how keen are pro traders to take this bait?… For example, the $100,000 call options currently trading at 0.164 BTC, equivalent to about $9,500. They’re paying $9,500 to take that option. That’s a giant premium. If you’re going to bet on that, you have a lot of confidence the price is going to be rising.

I am very confident. I’m very confident Bitcoin’s going to hit $300,000 this year… I’m telling you $300K. I don’t think it will go over $400k. I think our $320K prediction for this year is going to end up being pretty accurate.

Featured Image by “Maklay62” via

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