Control your finances at BSC with Yieldwatch

If you are an investor who likes to diversify a large part of his portfolio but want to get out of the traditional system of the Excel notebook and notes, you should know Yieldwatch.

Diversification reduces sector or specific risk, is a phrase that many of us surely remember daily when depositing our funds on different platforms. The point is, sometimes it can be overwhelming to organize and monitor all of our investors, especially in the crypto world. Platforms are constantly coming online and it is difficult to keep track of all of them.

With the follow-up Dapps, like Yieldwatch, we can know in real time our performance and which platforms we are working on.

It is really simple. We copy our Mainnet wallet from the Binance Smart Chain, we go to Yieldwatch and paste it. We click on the binoculars button and a drop-down will appear with the platforms on which we have LP Tokens deposited or we are staking a token.

Only those that we have active will come out. If you were in Acryptos two weeks ago, for example, but you no longer have anything inside, the platform will not show you anything.

To speed up the search process, we will find some icons below the wallet address, which we can select if we only have the money deposited in a couple of platforms.

Yieldwatch will show you the amount deposited, what you have generated and also your profit. It takes into account the current price of tokens and assets, which will appear on Net Watch. They are still in Beta Phase, so I hope that in the future this section of Net Watch will be divided into the benefits obtained by Yield Farming and the benefit obtained by the price change on the other hand.

In the top menu there are two PRO options, which I imagine will be paid. One is the currency in which it will represent your dividends and another is the refresh of your profits in real time.

In summary, it is a very practical and useful application to instantly know our activity within the BINANCE Smart Chain. They also have their own WATCH token and we can get it from Pancakeswap by staking our Cakes.