CoinMarketCap BTC Price Prediction Event


The event is pretty self-explanatory, you need to predict the price of Bitcoin for 30th or 31st of the Month 2021 (23:59:59 UTC) and the closest predictor wins USDT prize. Last date for submitting your prediction is 21st of the Month, 2021 (23:59:59 UTC).

Start by logging on to the CMC website 

Click on the price estimate tab- enter your prediction 

Next enter the prediction in this Google form 

Please ensure you submit the same prediction on both the form and website- mismatch WILL lead to disqualification.

Solve the CMC quiz – only those who succeed will be eligible for the selection (Quiz is a part of the form).

Prize Money

1st Prize- 600 USDT

2nd Prize- 150 USDT

3rd Prize- 50 USDT


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