CoinMarketCap - Learn and Earn GRT (The Graph)

The Graph (GRT) was recently added to Coinbase, and some was shared through COINBASE Earn. Now is CoinMarketCap to share some GRT with their Learn and Earn campaign. I seen lot of negative feedback regarding the CoinMarketCap reward distribution, and I totally agree with all, as no clear system is shared with the participants. Until this campaign I received a little share, finding in my Spot Wallet 1.1 Terra ($1.00),  1 Helium ($1.42) and 20 Orchid ($5.69)

The Graph (GRT) is the Ethereum token that powers The Graph, the decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains. The GRT price was a boosted upon listing on Coinbase, and needed few days before reaching stability.         


Lesson 1:  Learn about The Graph, and how the network will help the crypto economy.

Lesson 2: Discover how curation works, and how the open data is organized on The Graph

Lesson 3 : How to secure the networks as Delegator, and an overview of Indexing.

The Quiz?  Classic format with 8 questions, the usual T&C and the details for crediting the reward. Accept the T&C, add you email associated with the CoinMarketCap and the 8-digit BINANCE user ID before starting. An email confirmation will be sent after completing the quiz.

The answer to question one is 10,000,000,000 tokens.


Residual Income:

PVMihalache Amazon Books

DeFi bounty at CakeDeFi with $30 DFI for new users

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCashGlobalHive ZCash  & Get.ZEN

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