CoinMarketCap - earn Helium (HNT) and Orchid (OXT)

CoinMarketCap has 2 ways live now for earning crypto.

Helium (HNT) and Orchid (OXT).

There will be another 3 crypto coins to follow,Terra(Luna),Kava and Band Protocol(BAND).

This is how to earn.

First make an account on CoinMarketCap,verify it and the log in.

Then go to

It will take you to This are the 2 campaigns that are live Open,watch the 4 videos After you wached all 4 videos,copmplete the quiz

Both coin are earned the same way,4 videos and quiz.

To help you and make it a bit easy,i will tell what i did. I opened to same pages in 2 files. One for answering the quiz and the other to watch and reawatch videos for answering the questions. Another thing youu nees is a BINANCE account. You will need to put your user ID in an answer. If you dont have a Binace account,i will leave a link in wich you will earn 10% commision from what i earn from refferals. I hope you like the post. It is a bit long but i wanted to put screen shots for those who are newbies and make it simple for them. Leave a tip if you want for my self confidence and to gather a few more bucks for my little contest(where you just have to sing thru this link )

Good luck!

And if you are interested in earning some $ in coinbase,in fact we both win to be honest,i will leave 3 links.  (earn 59$ worth of COMP)    (earn 50$ worth of XLM)     (earn 50$ worth of EOS)

Thank you for your time.

Have a nice day or night and stay safe where ever you are.