Christmas all time high btc

In August, Preston Pysh predicted that Bitcoin's price would soon rise: $ 20,000 by Christmas?



Will Bitcoin (BTC) reach a new all-time high by Christmas? It now seems an overly cautious forecast, given the latest developments, but an analyst had estimated current levels as early as August.


Preston Pysh, co-founder of The Investor's Podcast Network, predicted that the value of the BTC / USD pair would rise 90% by the end of the year while the cryptocurrency was still hovering around $ 11,000.





In the face of the surge in prices, it makes sense to ask whether the value of Bitcoin can return to all-time highs. We are not talking about who knows what level, given that the historical record of BTC is about 20 thousand dollars. About 1000 dollars therefore separate the Bitcoin price from its all-time highs which, at this point, could also be reached and exceeded within days if not hours.





In March 2020, Satoshi Nakamoto's cryptocurrency fell from the price of $ 10,000, breaking the resistance of $ 5,000 due to the worldwide health emergency caused by the CoronaVirus.


Bitcoin could see unexpected growth in 2021, with an adoption rate tripling. Bitcoin could be accepted by the masses around the world as the universal payment system.


However, Bitcoin is not far off before it carves out the space it deserves. Furthermore, most developed countries may see change come faster than others. By 2022, Bitcoin could reach US $ 42,000.



According to the most optimistic forecasts, Bitcoin will hit $ 50k in 2025, which will take the cryptocurrency market to new levels. According to forecasts and expert analysis, Bitcoin will continue to remain the top cryptocurrency in the world (in terms of capitalization). Gradually, Bitcoin will be seen more as a store of value, as well as being an alternative currency.


Analysts predict that by 2025, Bitcoin will be used more often by more people. The more Bitcoin is used, the higher its market price will be.