Check Out These 10 ETHBoston Projects Picked by an Investor

Содержание статьи:

  1. 1. ZeroPool
  2. 2. EthTorrent
  3. 3. MixETH
  4. 4. gDAI
  5. 5. BankShare
  6. 6. Private_Auction
  7. 7. Sellables
  8. 8. SwanDAI
  9. 9. Short BEX / SignaLend
  10. 10. Tribute

Source: iStock/rzelich

After sharing a list of 14 Ethereum projects submitted to the Ethereum blockchain hackathon ETHBerlin in late August, Kyle Samani, managing partner at crypto hedge fund Multicoin Capital, is back with 10 his favorite submissions to ETH Boston.

Though it seems that he didn't enjoy these events in person, he appears to be closely following what is happening in this world of development and projects meant to bring forth solutions to a variety of great and small issues troubling the Cryptoverse.

Like the last time, the investor listed his favorites “in no particular order”, as follows:

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Inspiration: A need for an anonymous multi-asset pool on , but it’s not .

What it does: The developers created an anonymous multi-asset pool implemented as a smart contract with , where asset types and asset values within that pool are hidden from an external observer, which makes all transfers and atomic swaps private.

Inspiration: A need to capitalize on the market trend, in light of the start of Bittorent Live’s testing faze, which comes with the built-in integration of the wallet.

What it does: this is a distributed peer-to-peer content file sharing (and eventually streaming) system, with incentives for fair play and constant seeding of downloaded files, say the developers, adding that EthTorrent is Bittorent’s competitor, which will deliver a different cryptoeconomic environment.

Inspiration: technologies learnt at ETHBoston, which provided an opportunity to improve the product,, through additional features.

What it does: This is a multifunctional mixer for and ERC-20 token, which is built to improve privacy by obscuring the sending address via zero-knowledge proofs. It now comes with a number of additional features, including: storing large files at; using web3 providers and; and new transfer functionality.

Inspiration: the ability to send without Ether for gas payments.

What it does: gDAI allows sending DAI without paying for gas with Ether – instead, it uses gas station network and staking on Fulcrum (a tokenized margin trading interface) to earn interest for further transactions. The gas station network integration was successful, and the developer hopes that ETHGlobal would use gDAI “on the hackathons for paying for a beer or food.”

Inspiration: a need for a simple and trustless banking and key management that is backed by crypto and blockchain, but without having to manage private and public keys.

What it does: BankShare is a private wealth storage platform that provides everybody with an easy account sign up and transactions, with an email address only.

Inspiration: future gambling on a decentralized network.

What it does: Private_Auction enables a blind auction on Ethereum, with a chain privacy protocol Aztec, and also a seamless login for dapps (decentralized apps) via the private key management company Torus. (Torus is one of the investments in the Multicoin Capital portfolio).

Inspiration: the combination of stickers, which everybody love, are easy to share and show off, and , which are loved by a few, are easy to sell, but hard to show off.

What it does: this is an iMessage app that allows users to turn their NFTs (for example, game items and ENS names) into their very own sticker and to sell those iMessage stickers.

Inspiration: the concerns about the mechanisms underpinning the growing (decentralized finance) and the wish to enable people to bet on or hedge against the risk of so-called black swan events (the possibility of the occurrence of an unexpected event that has a major effect).

What it does: SwanDAI is a synthetic asset which tracks the deviation of DAI's price from its dollar peg “in an exponentially increasing fashion.” The SwanDAI dashboard enables users to purchase SwanDAI and offers visualizations to inform them about a potential investment.

Inspiration: the large possibilities for margin trading and their immediate applicability with today's technology.

What it does: Lenders accumulate guaranteed interest on their assets, which provides margin for short trades with minimal decision making, the developers explain, adding that all liquidity is sourced through . Traders can bet against a decentralized currency on the platform Short BEX, while holders can generate 6% interest yearly via lending on SignaLend. Binance DEX escrow account manages both SignaLend and Short BEX assets permissioned by users.

Inspiration: the possibilities created by streaming interest micro-payments by Compound (an Ethereum protocol that establishes money markets with algorithmically set interest rates) and the ability of rDAI (redeemable DAI) to redirect interest flows, in regards to easing the psychological burden of paying for services and content out of pocket.

What it does: Tribute is a dashboard that calls the rDAI smart contracts and allows users and paid content publishers (such as game or video streaming services, publications, charities, online casinos, etc.) to transact using directed rDAI interest. Subscription access to paid content is enabled by allocating a part of a user's rDAI interest to the publisher, without the user's rDAI principal balance declining. Instead the services are paid by giving up the ability to keep the interest generated by rDAI.