Centrifuge, New Defi Protocol, Debuts on KuCoin Trading Platform

Centrifuge debuted on KUCOIN is a new DeFi protocol built on Polkadot and bridged by Ethereum.

Centrifuge is another DeFi protocol that’s been introduced on the KuCoin trading platform. KuCoin on their official website has stated that the protocol is a new emerging way for the company to branch out and form the necessary foundation in the domain of decentralized financing for real-world assets. With this debut, the company intends to bridge gaps between DeFi and multi-trillion worth of assets.

The chain focuses on tokenizing cash flows which in turn generates real-world assets such as loans, invoices, and royalties.

The current CFG price is nearly two times higher than what was set at Option 1 on CoinList. 

Centrifuge Listed on KuCoin

Centrifuge will be listed on the KuCoin trading platform as a new DeFi protocol, it will be now available for trading on the KuCoin trading platform in CFG/USDT or CFG/BTC supported formats.

Centrifuge is now open for trade and is a new DeFi protocol built on Polkadot and ethereum. KuCoin trading platform has expressed a sense of ease and joy as they introduced Centrifuge as one of the promising tools for trading purposes. They further commented that the company is proud to have enabled decentralized financing for real-world assets.

Centrifuge chain is characterized as a multipurpose chain that tokenizes cash flow generating real-world assets such as loans, invoices, and royalties. Another feature of this centrifuge chain is the new Tinlake Dapp, which is a smart contract platform that administers collateralized pools of real-world assets to optimize and mitigate risks. Tinlake can assist people and organizations to facilitate bankless liquidity and opens a fresh avenue for investors to yield attractive returns on an open investment portal.

Centrifuge utilizes the power of Polkadot and Ethereum to work independently. Polkadot assesses and amplifies the speed and incurs low expenses and pressure in monetary terms, whereas ethereum facilitates the DeFi liquidity factor. Centrifuge can be accessed via Tinlake Dapp and is now available for trading on KuCoin in all exclusivity.

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Author Juhi Mirza

Juhi Mirza is an archaeology major who is obsessive about blockchain/Crypto technology and deems it to be the foundational philosophy of the future. Her dogged ability to research and crystallise technical facts/multiple perspectives into rivetting stories makes her an accessible finance writer. She tends to her archaeological pursuits and loves unearthing the past over the weekends.