CC134 - Presentation of 3Commas Trading Bots Features


? Time Stamps ?

00:00 Introduction

00:45 Main page of 3Commas

06:12 Platform functions

08:09 DCA bots

10:34 Smart trade

12:28 Grid bot

15:14 TradingView

18:39 Options bot

21:15 Crypto-Signals

22:48 Supported exchanges


Trading is not for everyone and stays in front of your computer for hours or read complicated charts can consume your time like a vampire. Now you have another option if you want to trade without the stress to check 24 hours a day!

You can use a trading bot on the website of 3Commas.

What covered in the video

I have not yet created an account or tested the functionalities 3Commas offer yet.

What I did instead is to learn and share with you in real-time the features of this trading bot. I am impressed by what I read and supposedly is one of the most popular trading bots on the crypto market.

3Commas website:

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