Cardano soars 34% in a day of green numbers

l Cardano is trading at $ 1.343757 today at 06:22 (05:22 GMT) on the Index, which represents a daily gain of 33.54%. This is the largest percentage increase in one day since January 3, 2018.

This upward movement pushes Cardano's capitalization to $ 41.659342B, or 2.86% relative to the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies. The highest level reached by the Cardano was at $ 38.423559B.

For the previous 24 hours, the Cardano has been trading in a range between $ 1.230460 and $ 1.358806.

In the last week, the Cardano gained 27.51%. Cardano's traded volume in the 24 hours prior to its current price has been $ 16.279499B, or 10.24% of the total volume for all cryptocurrencies. It traded during the past week in a range between $ 0.8115 and $ 1.3588.

At its current price, the Cardano shows a difference of 1.11% with respect to the annual highs that it marked at $ 1.36 on February 27.

Evolution of other cryptocurrencies of interest

Bitcoin has marked its last move today at $ 47,508.5 on the Index, which represents a rise of 4.29%.

Ethereum, for its part, is trading at $ 1,496.03 on the Index, representing a loss of 0.51%.

At the moment, the market capitalization of Bitcoin stands at $ 889.593200B, or 61.04% of the total capitalization of all cryptocurrencies, while that of Ethereum is at $ 173.086047B, or 11 , 88% with respect to the rest of the market value of the sector.