Buying crypto om any budget

Cryptocurrency is recently a really rewarding market for those whom may have gotten in earlier. Personally I have 2 years under my belt but I was not always doing well enough to invest very much. This is why I decided to make a point to use my weakly savings to purchase cryptocurrency. This post will show you some good ways to save money on your expenses and build your portfolio.

Coupons and sales

Cash App and Honey are both great services for saving money. Not only that but Cash app is a debit card with Bitcoin investment built in to their App. You can use them to save a % on gas groceries and fast food and put your savings that you get back on Cash App in Bitcoin.

Honey may be a little less useful depending on the individual but I use Amazon at least 3 times a month. I also pick up my groceries from Walmart social distancing and I am lazy. Both of these are just examples of when my browser attachment Honey is applying coupons. I then record my savings and invest accordingly at the end of the week.

Literally this very morning I increased my Bitcoin holdings just that little extra by getting my BK on and using cash apps 5% Bitcoin back deal.


Even though #notsponsored by either company that I have mentioned I have utilized their services to make quite a portfolio. None of this would have been possible for me without saving that little extra money. Every bit counts even $0.62 off Burgers normally I would include a bunch of links or referrals but this is #notsponsord just Cash app and honey are what I use but the tactic should work the same regardless of your method of saving.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta