$BTC: Bitcoiner in Lebanon Reportedly Gives Away Satoshis at His Wedding

A Bitcoin super fan in Lebanon reportedly used his wedding to promote $BTC by giving away 4,000 satoshis to each guest. 

According to a report by Cointelegraph, Bitcoin advocate Said Nassar, an international business engineer from Lebanon, threw a Bitcoin-themed wedding which included small amounts of $BTC as gifts. The report claims that each wedding guest received 4,000 satoshis as a parting present. The wedding’s theme also featured Bitcoin-mounted volcanoes, which were supposed to be a nod to crypto-friendly El Salvador’s Bitcoin bonds, colloquially known as “Volcano bonds.”

Nassar told the new outlet that he distributed the satoshis via Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. Instructions for downloading a Bitcoin Lightning Network wallet were included in the post-ceremony banquet cutlery.

The wedding guests could follow the link to a YouTube video that showed simplified steps for setting up a Bitcoin wallet, in addition to providing some basic education on $BTC and the value of investing in crypto. 

Nassar said 75 of his 250 guest recipients downloaded their wallet and received the 4,000 Satoshis, and these people said that this was the first they had received $BTC. Nassar was positive about his 30% hit rate, with the report noting that Bitcoin adoption is only expected to reach 10% of the global population by the end of the decade. 

The report described Nassar as an “insatiable Bitcoin advocate,” who was excited to use his wedding day as a time to “orange pill” guests on the benefits of $BTC. 

He told the Cointelegraph: 

I try to explain monetary policies and what is fiat money to every person I meet longer than 30 minutes… All my close friends and my family members have bought bitcoin, and my mother is a whole coiner.