BSC (shit) token launches - further down the rabbit whole; the retard strategist

Here hear, and gather 'round. I need to let you in on what's been happening around the streets of the fowly BINANCE Shit Chain town. This time, you're going to listen about the projects in which I've gambled my 0.01 BNB (aight, 0.02 if I feel adventurous) and figure out yourself what are the valuable epiphanies you can get from my experience. Am I once again losing money so that you don't have to? Let's check into it, shall we?


These are the contents of my Shit Chain wallet. Of course I have more tokens hidden, like for example all the scam tokens from all the fake airdrops, and also the Pacmoon that was mentioned on the previous episode, with the Telegram group I somehow managed to disarm (clap clap). That Pacmoon counts as -0.01 BNB on my BRAVE Shit Chain endeavour, by the way. 



You can see I am invested in 4 tokens at the moment. ADA is only there because you get it as dividends from ADAROYALE transactions. So let's start with that one. I was skeptic about the tokenomics actually being legit for the reason I am somewhat of an ADA fanboy and I am invested in it. I found it odd that a BSC token could pay off ADA as dividends, as I've never heard of it. Well, it does, in the form of Binance Pegged ADA, which you can simply convert by sending to your Binance account via BSC and then re-use for any given purpose. My initial purchase due to the skepticism was below the usual, and I purchased only 0.005 BNB. I needed to see it action. 

After verifying the dividend pay-off is indeed real, I returned to put another 0.01 BNB. What, you expected me to invest more, lol? This is still a Shit Chain wallet, and if I wanted to invest in ADA I'd just buy more of the fucking coin, wouldn't I? The sake of this wallet, once again if you weren't paying attention the first time, is to lose money so that you don't have to. If I happen to find a moonshot along the way, well... you'll get the enriching experience of reading about it. And I'll get my cocaine and lambo.

At the moment I am losing money on this one, as you can see. I lost around 50% of the value since the purchase, which is why you should listen when I tell you these are shit tokens and a gamble, without fundamentals or project solidity. Investing on Binance Shit Chain new launches is like going to the horse track but hoping the horse you bet doesn't get a sudden burst of diarrhoea while mid of the race. There's still something about receiving these little ADA dusts, and the satisfaction of having made a bet on one that's not a rug pull, so I'm not calling this a loss yet. Still, on the negative. 


  • DOGE Zero

DOGE Zero is theoretically my greatest winner of the bunch, but that's just in theory. The reason for that is because of them I found out these scam dick developers on the Bullshit Chain now think it's okay to just switch the tokenomics every other two weeks. Just call that a Mentos Party for some meme reason related to DOGE Zero and voila, you now have to pay 16% tax if you decide it's a good time to sell your tokens. Don't worry, next week we'll revert it back. Unless we decide otherwise, in which case we'll let you know. 


Remember what I said about being there to catch the token at launch? Look how far this one has come along. At the highest point I could have cashed out at around $30 with a 0.01 investment, which equals around $4. I didn't because this one has DOGE on the name and who knows, maybe that twat Elon one day wakes up and decides to say he gives DOGE Zero fucks and all the idiots come flocking buying this shit. All the ups and down's with the carousel ride on this one, and the lowest I've been was at around $8, which is +50% the initial investment. Profit, and Elon you now need to not let me down. 


  • POCO Token

This one was one of my first, and you know the first time is never pretty. My friend who managed to buy this early is still not losing, but I didn't get so lucky. I was in the middle of doing some work and I couldn't catch the Telegram launch. If you look at the market cap on this one you'll see it's a big one, and that's because this is the actual token for a Chinese game in which you own a pet named Poco or some shit. I'd post you the link for you to figure it out yourself, but it's only in Chinese and you are going to settle with the link to the Shit Token Channel I've created on instead, which you can use if you are interested at all in keeping up with the projects we keep track of. Bottom line, this one had a way bigger launch than the other ones and probably some bots were involved, because it skyrocketed and then it fell abruptly, kind like what happens when you list tokens on exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, and what's known for the COINBASE effect. 


You can see I went in with 0.02 BNB on this one and I pretty much lost 90% at this point. Still, the market cap is at the moment at $74,127,736, and all hell can happen in the crypto world when a token goes this far. Being a game it might see some adoption and who knows what can happen. One thing I'm not going to do now for sure, and that's selling, duh.



So far, this is the one that's let me wondering if I'm on to something. I actually purchased this one today and I went in with my initial 0.01 BNB. After a mere couple of hours it was high enough for me to cash out 0.02 BNB and still leave a good 14 million tokens there to take the ride and see if they find the stairway to heaven. I honestly have no fucking clue what the real project behind this one is and I got in because I hadn't had much BSC action in the past days and I felt the urge to place a little gamble. Of course I followed my own fundamentals and I went to check their social medias, telegram and all that jizz, but I didn't take half the time researching this one as I normally do, everything was done in like 20-30 minutes. 


I got fucking lucky, though. It only goes to show degen is the way to go. Waste time double checking profiles and interacting with devs on chat boxes? Fuck that. Go all in and let the universe do its thing. Profit. 


  • KLASS Token

Worth mentioning. Had a solid start. I went in the traditional 0.01 BNB, and I cashed out around 0.03 BNB but I didn't leave anything in because the chart died completely after around a week after the launch. This one was a bit confusing because it kind of looked like a scam from the social media pages, and it had a dubious article on that it looked like it had been paid for. Still it wasn't a scam. I cashed out without issues after the chart died and the token no longer showed the project name by default on, which is somewhat a sign a token is dead. Weird profit.


Final word: This shit is for fun and it is indeed fun. You'd be a fucking idiot if you were to take any of this as solid investment strategies or advice and if so, it seems like you are a person worth sharing the Shit Token Channel with. In it you can find all the info about the projects listed above and a few others more: Knock yourself out.

And don't forget to subscribe if you don't mind putting up with a prick with strong opinions: