Breaking: S. Korean Exchanges Redflag Litecoin Mimblewimble Update; May Delist LTC

Just two days after the Litecoin’s Mimblewimble update activated on the Litecoin network, a stumbling block came in the way. In a latest, two South Korea-based crypto exchanges warned investors about a major defect.

Bithumb and Upbit, South Korea’s top two crypto exchanges by volume, made the announcements on Monday while detailing the reasons. This comes at a time when big investors were steadily eyeing Litecoin anticipating bullish sentiment after the new upgrade.

‘Confidential Transaction Information’

Upbit alerted investors of Litecoin saying,

“Litecoin (LTC) has been designated as a watchdog. It is believed that the Mimblewimble upgrade has been carried out with a selection function that does not expose transaction information. Upbit added the item of transparency of network operation to the transaction support checklist.”

The exchange has also terminated transaction support for digital assets with technology that makes transmission records indistinguishable from the past.