Brave e Presearch, killer combo FTW

Twenty two and a half years have passed since his reign began, Google was founded on September 4, 1998 in Menlo Park California by two PhDs from Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Both must have foreseen this day, the day when their energies would become obsolete in relation to what is being created, both knew that their reigns would fall like sand castles. But it is not to talk about them that we are here today, today we celebrate the appearance of a new killer combo, a browser and a search engine which reward their users with cryptocurrencies. I'm talking about the Basic Attention Token and the PRESEARCH search engine, which have already demonstrated their presence and quality in the crypto space for quite some time. 

What is Basic Attention Token?

Basic Attention Token is a web browser that supports content creators and users through its native token, BAT, with a presence of almost 4 years and today’s market capital is around 2,2 billions, BAT mission is to put google to his knees and bring decentralization to the web. 

What is Presearch?

With these two adversaries of Google it is possible to obtain a more decentralized internet and turned to express a singular alternative in opposition to the global adoption that Google supports. I hope you enjoyed my short post about this killer combo which will give a lot to talk about in the near future. Thank you and don't forget to support my blog so that I can continue to improve my content.