Boldly going where no man has gone before.



Restless animal that it is, human beings have always been driven, beyond needs, by the desire to explore, to know, to discover and to constantly challenge themselves to the next challenge, as long as it is bigger than the first.Pro-activity, initiative and boldness ensured human beings understand the world they live in and improve their living conditions through science and technology.Often, when talking about technology, circuits, computers and cars come to mind. However, fire, the wheel, the chipped stone as a tool and charcoal as writing, are undoubtedly the mother technologies of all others. These four technologies, as best or worst modification, have their concepts as pillars until today: nothing is cooked without heat, or even steel production, nothing is transported without wheels, nothing is cut without blades, nothing is beaten without hammer and nothing is taught without writing, using exposure technique.Technology doesn't have to be new, it needs to be in use. And the more in use, the more suitable it must be for human survival.In the Star Trek series, original from 1969, released movies after 1977 and more a range of series to the present day, it brilliantly demonstrates how technology can, being shown in this series, take the human being where he never imagined.The famous Enterprise, NCC-1701 (and the alphabet after 1 depends on the series and year of the enterprises...besides how many times Klingon, Borgs, Dominion and a few others have already destroyed this ship, it made humans dream big, it interfered with many real scientific concepts and inspired generations and generations of children to be engineers, scientists and everything that involves this ship and its series.I confess that I'm more of a fan of the original series, with rough techniques, than the others. But he loves movies from the 1980s. The transformation from the series to movies was sensational. Six films that were shot as if they were giant chapters of the series with the same peculiarity between them: each episode is not necessarily related to the previous one. The episodes are interconnected by references, but never in series. In the films of the crew commanded by the original Kirk (Shatner), the first 4 films break that optics for the genesis project before, during and after. The events and their chains are spectacular.The Star Trek series has a peculiarity beyond the non-serial narrative: it is a direct mirror of the society of the time. As an outside observer, light years on from the present situation, it demonstrates what human exaggerations of the 20th century did to the 23rd.The clash Klingon vs federation, which entered the imagination of many nerds, was so striking, so impactful that it created its own language: besides Tolkien, it is the only work that has a complete fictional language, with grammar and phonemes!But beyond fiction, the clash demonstrated the mirror of reality: the shock of the cold war between the United States and the USSR, former Soviet Union. The Klingons are the Russians of that time, and Klingon technology mirrors that technology.It has humanity's own struggle with survival in the salvation of two humpback whales. If the reader isn't from the geek, geek world, you may find it boring or not, but brilliantly done, from a physical point of view, the whales' salvation of humanity was a powerful message against the death of this giant mammal (no , whale is not fish!), a message from American culture to the world.In the original series, in the most dystopian episode of the dystopian Star Trek universe, S2 15 "The Trouble With Tribbles", Spok, the science officer Vulcan, half human - because racism doesn't depend on color, it also depends on ears! - was comforted by his feelings, iconically demonstrated by a pet he kept petting because it was good, but never understood why it was good: his Vulcan side and his training taught him to nullify his feelings in favor of logic and mathematics.The Tribbles multiply incessantly inside the ship, while being cute and captivating everyone, taking Mr. Spock out of common logic and not seeing the danger: they multiply non-stop, crippling everything to reproduce.This episode was supposed to be comedy, but it turned out so iconic that the Tribbles appeared in every series, including one of the newest movies.Many tokens are like Tribbles: cute, appealing, beautiful and that, appear harmless, but take over the planet, destroy resources with a single objective: reproduction.Only the Tribbles win, reproducing crazily while calming you down. Lots of cute tokens too: they say life is for investment, orphans, refugees. They promise a thousand rewards but, in the end, they only serve rpa to reproduce, sucking resources from everyone and so who start to be discovered *always be suspicious when something that is on the normal internet suddenly has to be accessed by VPN, it's already a hint of sleaze!In the case of the Tribbles, the end came at the hands of the Klingons who, in the very Klingon delicacy, bombed their home planet until there was nothing left.In the case of fake tokens and Defi that promise everything but deliver nothing, not feeding them or caressing them and not passing messages to your friends about how you invested and earned millions is already a form of bombing.Remember: high earnings depend on high risks. However, this does not guarantee that it is a legal business. Just as these little bugs had been smuggled into the Enterprise, the exploration tokens can be smuggled into your wallet and suck it up!If even Spock was fooled, be careful, you could be next!Long and prosperous life in the crypts for you!