Bitcoin vs Altcoin is new Divide And Rule

Following BTC vs ETH example

     The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is insistent about classifying cryptocurrencies as securities and leaving bitcoin for various reasons, established the strategy to isolate bitcoin from the crypto community, and people are even falling for it.

The Great Divide 

     Although Sylor has the support of Bitcoiners in general, and they applaud his statements regardless of their meaning, other Altcoiners have now begun to criticise Sylor for his mockery. However, they are also targeting Bitcoin, which is a bad idea. Some members of the cryptocurrency community are responding rationally as well, without targeting any crypto, but they are not much.


     Ultimately, people need to realise that the Bitcoin vs. Altcoin division will destroy the value of cryptocurrencies. The value of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market are both dependent on each other, as are other altcoins.