Bitcoin Rises by Another $500 as War Now Looms

Bitcoin has been responding to events coming out of the Middle East by increasing by around $500 following any significant development.

Last night was no different following Iran’s declaration of missile strikes on US bases in Iraq, marking this the first time since the theocratic revolution that Iran has openly hit US targets.

Bitcoin rises on US-Iran confrontation, January 2020

There were no casualties according to western officials while Iranian media claims 80 Americans were killed.

Shortly after the strike, a plane crashed in Tehran with all passengers declared dead.

82 citizens of Iran were on the plane, along with 63 from Canada, 11 from Ukraine, 10 from Sweden, four from Afghanistan, three from Germany, and three from the UK, said a statement.

Speculation is swirling on what exactly happened to this Boeing airplane of a Ukranian airline because Ukranian authorities initially tweeted it was an engine failure, but then deleted the tweet.

All Iranian jets apparently took to the sky shortly after the missile attack, with Iran’s leader previously referring to the accidental shooting of an Iranian airplane by US in the 80s.

80s headline

Iran won’t hand over the black box to show what happened. Experts are saying it sounds like it was “a serious and sudden catastrophe.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a US lawmaker who Trump has previously retweeted, called Iran’s attack on US bases an act of war.

“It was an act of war by a regime that for the last 40 years has been a cancer in the Mideast,” he said.

Marco Rubio, another republican lawmaker who also has been previously retweeted by Trump regarding his commentary on Iran, has called on Americans to unite. He said:

“Tonight American and allied troops have come under direct attack by a nation-state and Americans must come together to support and protect them and respond appropriately.”

The world awaits a statement by Donald Trump, the president of USA, while jets are on standby. He is to speak at 4PM UTC in what you’d think would be an historic address, whatever he decides.

Europeans have called for de-escalation, with some stating this attack on US bases was the softest option chosen by Iran. Yet Trump will be under significant pressure by hardliners with Trump himself previously saying his response would be disproportionate.

“Did Pompeo send any communication at all,” the Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was asked on an interview with CNN prior to the missile strikes. “And he got the proper response,” Zarif said.

“What kind of communication was it?” – interviewer. “I’ll leave it for history to judge his arrogance and ignorance.” “Can u tell us what the response was,” – interviewer. Zarif said:

“The response was a very  harsh one, from my office, not from me, from my office, indicating to him how wrong he was.”

Iraqis are protesting against the government in Iraq following the missile strikes, chanting “Iran out” according to media reports.

That’s while US and Iran now stand on the brink of war with the decision solely that of the commander in chief and the leader of the free world Donald John Trump.


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