Bitcoin related feelings&predictions... I'm too romantic

I was so happy when I saw Bitcoin got past the 20k $ resistance; I felt genuinely proud of being part of this revolution! I do believe that the famous "money wall" coming into Bitcoin, by insitutions, is just the BEGINNING.

I think I'll tell to my son, when he'll grow up, something like this:

You know, my dear son, that infamous year 2020 was for Bitcoin a miracle indeed... Finally, many scepticals got rid of their bad attitudes, and we started smelling the perfume of financial freedom... With all that DeFi projects popping out from nowhere... What is for you obvious now, was at that time something to fight for; people didn't understood soon... The epoch of U.S. Dollar dominance was starting to show signs of weakening...

Quoting myself, from the future, in around 2035.

And much more to say, of course.

Nothing is more permanent than what's temporary.

That's what we say in Italy. What the Covid-19 pandemic managed to change, is not for a short period of time; it will last for decades. The trend to move on-line all human activities grown exponentially during this year. Now it's the turn of money and finance. One day this virtual wave will push almost every aspects of our lives into virtuality. Bitcoin is a key innovation in this regard, carrying increasing confidence into virtual assets valuability, as it was not possible to do 10 years ago.

Now more than ever, be careful of every single Satoshi you own, as we can't really image to what extent the price can grow now. I don't see any important resistance level formig, for now. When the market behave like this, anything can happen; I was skeptical about breaking 25'000 soon after 20'000 $, but now, looking better at charts in multi-year mode, I would say that 50'000$ in a few weeks/months is inevitable. By the end of 2021, it's totally possibile 100'000$. I never felt so sure in my life. Bitcoin is unstoppable; and even the US seems to understand that. 

Ok this is not my best article, but I felt the need of sharing the high level confidence and trust I'm experimenting those past few days, it is like an internal joy, or Epiphany. 

Ps: I'm also way more bullish on BINANCE coin BNB now; I've always supported the Binance's team and activities, but now something changead. I do believe they'll overwhelm the crypto market. They're simply at an higher stage of development compared to others. They created a brand new blockchain "Binance Smart Chain" BSC, and I think next year, 2021, will bring a lot of value in it, like tens of Billions.

Thank you for reading and for your valuable time. Hope you'll get a bit of fun during New Year holidays.