Bitcoin market not always behaves as expected.

About 24 hours ago Elon Musk announced on his Twitter account with 50 million followers that Tesla now can be bought with Bitcoin in the US.

A bit after that he also announced that Bitcoin purchases from Tesla outside of the US will be available later this year.

Normally this would increase the public interest in Bitcoin and crypto in general. However, until the news was spread around the media we could see the Bitcoin price going just a little bit up, and then dipping with about 5-7% in just a few hours.

Everyone is free to make their own assumptions. However, it is good to know that you cannot count on anyone's predictions. Especially when it comes to small coins traded on a single shitty exchange no one has ever heard of. 

As I was saying, contrary to popular belief it seems that Musk's influence on the Bitcoin price is way smaller than the picture the "media is painting".

Another interesting fact is that Tesla intends to keep the Bitcoin received as payments as Bitcoin and not to convert it in FIAT, this can only be seen as a way to support the Cryptocurrency and a step in the right direction towards adoption.