Bitcoin analysis February 20

Hello folks,

as a first post, the first thing to say is thanks to all those who bother to read and respect the opinions I contribute. Emphasize that it is about analyzing the price of bitcoin from my point of view and is not financial advice. Invest your own money at your own risk. In this blog I will analyze the price of bitcoin whenever I can and where we can move. Also, sometimes we will talk about Altcoins, keep it safe :). Well, let's get started! 


Do we have a Bitcoin correction at 57.5k?

The first thing to clarify that we are in a completely bullish cycle and that a strong correction is not expected at these highs yet, it would be possible around 65-75k. Companies such as MicroStrateg are missing, we recently surpassed all-time highs maintaining strength without problems ... there are several factors to remain completely bullish.

That said, it must be clarified that nothing goes up forever, and that as time passes and there are no corrections (no matter how minimal), the percentage that occurs increases.


What can we expect?

Analyzing in the short term the upward movement of bitcoin we can observe 2 clear resistances, which would now become our supports. From my point of view, in order not to take high risks, I believe that a safe buying zone would be in an intermediate range of these two support zones.

In the graph below you can see the information very clearly.





You can read some criticism regarding the cryptoworld due to the BINANCE exchange, since during the session yesterday, the salary of some users was temporarily not visible. But regarding some nonsense news, the vast majority of them are very optimistic, and all point towards a common end, the mass adoption of bitcoin as a refuge of value.

All this does nothing more than keep pushing bitcoin towards the objective mentioned at the beginning of the post. Once at those prices, we will analyze daily what we can expect.



And this is all for today friends, if you like what I said, remember typing me will not do anything other than encourage me to continue uploading content and that we can all enjoy this wonderful gold rush !!

Binance Link 15/5: