Binance Exchange vs Binance Dex

Hi fellas hope you are all well and welcome back to my Blog. I am going to do a short analysis on the BINANCE Exchange and Binance Dex

What is Binance Exchange?

Binance Exchange is a third part trading platform where traders buy and sell their altcoin and trading aswel. Binance Exchange is the most liquid crypto currency exchange with the highest number of volumes per day and also has the highest number of trades.

It offers a quiet number of services including crypto staking and also wallets where traders can store their crypto assets. It more like a centralized crypto exchange platform.

What is Binance Dex?

Binance Dex is a Decentralized crypto exchange where traders trade on their own and also transaction on their own. It is part of the Binance and it is the the fastest and secure trading platform. It offers BEP2 and mini token(BEP8). Since its part of the Binance smart chain you will find out that the token being traded there are only traded against the Binance coin. This on

Unlike the Binance Exchange which offers a broad range of crypto currencies with different pairs , the Binance DEX has no large capitalization like the Binance Exchange. This one is promising to be huge again, as it is a multi chain where you can move assets from other chains to the Binance smart chain.

When you have some Binance coin and you want to buy some BEP2 or BEP8 tokens you just deposit you BNB on this Decentralized Exchange and transact then you transfer your tokens your your desired wallet