Binance Coin (BNB) Suffers in the Intraday Chart; Coin Hovers at $21.91

Binance Coin (BNB) deals with the bear. The traders expected the coin to move like the market trend, but the coin couldn’t match the momentum. There was an uptrend noticed in the coin yesterday.

Today’s movement in the price of BNB is possible because of the pullback. If we look at yesterday’s chart, the coin was seen touching a high at $22.93 and a low at $22.37. The volume marked on yesterday’s chart was $181,166,381.

Current Statistics of BINANCE Coin:

  • The price of the coin is at $21.91.
  • The ROI (Return on Investment) is marked as >9000%.
  • The 24hr volume is noted as $170,648,023.
  • The market cap is at $3,436,934,216.
  • 155,536,713 BNB coins are currently circulating in the market.

BNB to USD Price Comparison:

The Trading View chart is taken on 04th September 2019 at 11:32:32 UTC for price analysis.

Looking at the chart, we can observe the downtrend in the coin. Starting from yesterday, the coin opened with a fall of 3.12%. The price counters changed from $22.9 to $22.5. There was a recovery in the coin which took the price up from $22.2 to $22.8 by 2.62%. The coin couldn’t hold up to the level and closed the day at $22.3 with an intraday loss of 3.29%. Today, the fall in the coin is of 4.38%. The price counters changed from $22.5 to $21.5. Later, the coin escalated and touched $22.2 from $21.5. The progression was of 3.03%.

Binance Coin Price Prediction and Conclusion:

Binance Coin is a result-giving coin. The current scenario of the currency might not be as assuring as it was a few weeks ago, but we are positive that the coin would have a better future. The loyal traders of BNB have still not left the token. They are pretty confident that coin would soon shine again.

The best-suited investment for the coin would be long term investment.

Binance Coin (BNB) Price Analysis Price Comparison Price Prediction