Bienvenidos mis ositos, tu siempre eres mis queridos! (Welcome back little bears you are always my dears!)Publish0x readers: PAA

Bienvenidos mis ositos, tu siempre eres mis queridos! (Welcome back little bears you are always my dears!)

Publish0x readers: PAAANDA Where have you been???

As the crypto winter drags on AND with a real life recession looming a lot of folks have resorted to desperate things to survive.

Some of us have resorted to side hustles like OnlyFans to make ends meet.

But what about the homely and the unconventional attractive (aka fugly)?

I doubt people would pay to see my fat furry behind in a thong.

Some of us had to swallow our pride and GASP crawl back to a “real” job.

Yes, your ol’ fren Panda has once again donned the employee yoke.

Supposedly, it’s “easy” to get certain jobs because the baby boomer generation have started retiring in masse.

Also, there was a “great resignation” and “quiet quitting” movement going around lately too.

We’ll have to see how the recession will change things.

I’d almost forgotten how awful the hiring process was. Once you put your resume up on a job board your inbox and voicemail will probably get spammed with irrelevant job “opportunities”.

It’s almost as bad as the scam tokens that gets dropped into your crypto wallet.

The amount of redundant information that I have to fill out on job applications drove me insane.

You would think there would be a blockchain or crypto version of a job board that could prefill your information and keep it secure already.

Instead you have to waste time going through multiple rounds of background checks, employment pre-screenings and interviews.

Let’s then assume you’re “lucky” enough to get hired.

Depending on where work you might need to worry about vaccine requirements.

Most of the places I worked at make you take harassment and sensitivity training.

I guess that means no more catcalling and wolf whistling.

Publish0x Prude: Tsk, tsk Panda you should be more respectful of the people you work with!

Sigh, a guy can’t even joke around anymore without offending someone. Sometimes it can cost you your job. There’s no censorship resistance in the real world folks.

Onboarding and training takes forever too. I would say this would be more of a problem for the employer. Most tasks could be standardized and put on a series of slides or videos.

One of my co-workers is always complaining that she has to perform the same training process every time someone new starts.

Let’s talk about ID badges – a symbol of modern day serfdom. I’m literally just a number. When I went to pick up my badge I had to go to one building to get my mugshot taken. Then I had to go to a different building to get it authenticated!?!

You can’t make this stuff up.

Then a few days o work was lost due to an identity management – I got mixed up with another worker! How does a fat lazy panda get mixed up with a human! Yet another thing that a crypto could fix.

To be fair not all organizations are that stupid, some even have single sign so you can use the same user name and password for multiple applications.

Again why can’t crypto piggyback off of this. I would love to use an NFT or some other crypto project that can interface with the real world especially at work.

It’s 2022 why can’t more of these processes be streamlined?

All this work before actual work!

My current workplace has a payment system that is still using PHYSICAL PAPER CHECKS to pay vendors!!!

Come on, this is an easy win for almost any crypto.

Since more and more work is getting digitized there has got to be a better way to differentiae between the productive and useless meatbags.

It’s barely a month and already some dirtbag “colleagues” are trying to take credit for my work AND trying to throw me under the bus for someone else’s f!@# ups..

Then to add insult to injury I found out that my crappy “premium” medical insurance DOESN’T cover emergency room or hospital stays! The healthcare system could use a good disruption. But maybe that’s a topic for another time.

Of course there are some problems that even crypto can’t fix. Like dealing with grouchy neurotic coworkers or having to laugh at senior management’s crappy jokes.

Or how about those Friday afternoon 4:59 PM work assignments?

That 2024 crypto bull run can’t come soon enough!

Obviously none of this is formal financial or tax advice. You need to find qualified professionals in your jurisdiction.

Be sharp, stay hungry let’s get that money!