[Battle Master Training Camp 02] How Damage Is Calculated in WoC?

The best defence is offence! If you can knock out your opponent before they have time to react, your Cryptoids would take less damage in the long run. However, as energy and ability cards are finite resources within a battle, you need to understand the math behind damage/combo/advantages/chain. 

So pick up your glasses and your calculator, as we are revealing how damage is calculated in World of Cryptoids in today’s Battle Master Training Camp!

Why do you need to calculate your damage in the first place?

One of the most common noob mistakes you could make in your journey through Cryptoidia is spamming your card and overkilling your enemies. The combat system in World of Cryptoids rewards precision and strategic resources management through three ways:

  • Probability for entering Last Miracle

If you forgot what Last Miracle is, feel free to revisit our previous article and learn more about it. Basically, Last Miracle is a rare occasion where your Cryptoid endeavour enemy’s final blow and one HP left. 

Aside from how higher Luck your Cryptoid has, the probability of entering Last Miracle is also affected by overkilling your opponent. The more excessive damage (Overkilling your opponent) you have done to your opponent, the lesser chance your Cryptoid could enter Last Miracle. 

Don’t underestimate Last Miracle! Sometimes having a chance to enter Last Miracle might literally be the miracle you needed to win a battle!

  • Saving abilities

When you are fighting in World of Cryptoids, more often than not, you will find yourself fighting enemies that are triple in numbers. Therefore, throwing your 100+ damage to an enemy with 10+ hp left is just a waste of precious resources. 

Since there is no guarantee to draw the ability card you need, reserving critical abilities card for the strong enemy or a combo/chain is a vital strategy a pro player should always have in mind.

  • Saving energy

Similar to saving abilities, by not spamming cards, you can reserve finite energy for a bigger combo in the next turn or even the next round if you are fighting in Adventure mode.

On top of that, if your first card had already knocked down your enemy, your second ability will not redirect its target but it will be simply wasted and doing nothing instead.

So how to calculate damage?

Now that we can all agree on not spamming your cards, let’s start our math class today and take a look at the damage formula in WoC:

Damage Output = Base Attack Value of the Card x (1 + Attack Level Bonus x (Curren level - 1)) x (1 + Stacks of Attack Buff) x (1 + Same Race Attack Bonus) x (1 + Race Advantages) + Combo Bonus

As you can see in the above formula, there are six things affecting your Cryptoid’s damage output, they are:

  • Base attack value of the ability
  • Level bonus
  • Attack buff stacks
  • Same race attack bonus
  • Race Advantage
  • Combo Bonus

Two of these six variables are determined before the battle starts, which is the level and attack value of the abilities. The rest four are the swinging factors that will make or break the fight. Attack buff, Same race attack bonus and combo bonus are rather straightforward to understand. So we will deep dive into race advantage bonuses and showcase how the damage formula works!

Race advantage bonus

Race advantage is one of the most significant attack bonuses you can have in the game. If you are fighting an enemy with a race advantage, you will receive a whopping 15% bonus on your attack, vice versa. You can see how the race advantage works in the chart below:

So how much more damage your Cryptoid can deal with race advantage?

Let's say your level 1 Cryptoid uses a 100 Atk ability against a race-neutral (No advantage/Disadvantage) Cryptoid. Here is how the formula will play out:

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (1 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1 + 0 = 100

If your Cryptoid is level 2:

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (2 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1 + 0 = 105

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (3 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1 + 0 = 110

You will have a mere 5 more damage than you are in the previous level, not impressive at all, is it? Now let’s look at the same scenario but where you have an advantage on:

Level 1:

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (1 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1.15 + 0 = 115

As you can see, if you are hitting your enemy with a race advantage bonus, the damage output will be higher than the level bonus given as if your Cryptoid is level 3! And this divergence only goes further as your Cryptoid levels up.

Level 2:

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (2 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1.15 + 0 = 120.75

Level 3:

100 x (1 + 0.05 x (3 - 1)) x 1 x 1 x 1.15 + 0 = 126.5

In short, the 15% extra damage brought by race advantage is game-changing! You can utilise this bonus just by keeping the chart in mind, especially when you are progressing in adventure mode, you can take a look at the races of enemies before entering a stage. This way you can always plan your team composition and use your ability strategically!