Axion's Roadmap Q1 2021: Liquidity Amplifier, Website Redesign, Venture Auction, Gas Optimisation, Marketing!

Axion's Roadmap Q1 2021: Liquidity Amplifier, Website, Venture Auction, Gas Optimisation, Marketing!

Key Highlights - Axion's product roadmap for Quarter 1 2021 (see graphic below):

Liquidity Amplifier - there has been research and initial pre-developments started over the last couple of weeks. This particular product is important to us, and inherently valuable to our ecosystem. Five (5) billion AXN will be offered to liquidity providers, with rewards for providing such distributed on a real-time basis. We expect this to do incredible numbers for our liquidity provision/pool.

Website Redesign - Is something Axion is personally dead-set on perfecting, as it allows them to truly kickstart Axion’s marketing and branding opportunities. Axion has a very skilled team within marketing + design working on this with them, and they truly consider this one of Axion’s most pivotal product developments of Q1. You will all begin to see why once we open the floodgates! Epic!

Gas Optimization(s) - Where available, will be implemented on Saturday (9 Jan 2021), alongside some other significant updates to Axion's protocol and platform. Just to note, there is more work to be done on gas optimizations as Axion waits for chain sharding via Ethereum 2.0. All other areas of development will be shared on Saturday as well.

Venture Auctions - The highly anticipated venture auctions are among Axion’s top priority in terms of research and development. There have been several hours of intensive conversation surrounding the best mechanics and functionalities for these implementations, and Axion is extremely confident in ensuring that this development is one of Axion’s best yet. The future and longevity of Axion and its ecosystem are becoming ever more concrete in terms of foundation and brilliance. Stay tuned for more updates this week and next.

Marketing  - The marketing initiatives tie directly into Axion's website redesign and rebranding, and once they complete the aforementioned, they will be confident in spending their marketing budget on an extremely professional level with several strategies in place for branding, digital advertising, and partnerships. Axion is already discussing extensive level(s) of marketing for the entirety of 2021, which they will share with complete transparency.

Axions' Roadmap Graphic:

