Asian Countries Top the Chart in Crypto Adoption: Finder’s Report

A new survey of 42,000 people across 27 countries have revealed that the top 5 nations leading cryptocurrency adoption amongst its populace are all in China.

Key Data from the Finder’s Survey

According to the results from the research, Vietnam ranks highest amongst all nations as 41% of all surveyed citizens said they own Bitcoin (BTC) or a form of cryptocurrency. 

Indonesia and India shared the second and third place respectively with 30% of respondents from both region affirming owning crypto. While Malaysia and the Philippines completed the top 5, the United States and the United Kingdom both recorded 9% and 8% respectively and occupied the last two positions. 

Cryptocurrency Adoption Chart. Source: Finder

Of the countries surveyed, Australia and New Zealand both recorded 13% adoption, Brazil led South American countries with a 22% adoption rate while South Africa, the only African nation surveyed was unveiled to have a 15% adoption rate. The Finder survey also showed that Bitcoin is the most popular digital currency amongst the respondents and the likelihood of male dominance in these new tech adoption is very high.

“It’s said that the gender pay gap sees women earn $0.82 on the dollar of their male counterparts and a similar chasm appears in crypto adoption, with crypto ownership by women about 71% that of men around the world,” the report reads

The global cryptocurrency adoption rate per the survey was pegged at 19%, however, only about 22% of men around the world own at least one type of coin, compared to just 15% of women. World leaders have notably spoken against the dangers of the rising adoption of cryptocurrency on the global financial ecosystem. 

Finder’s Take on the Top Exchanges

Finder has also waded into the discourse of the top digital currency trading platform around today, with BINANCE securing its spot as the number one exchange. Binance, the Changpeng Zhao led firm has come under intense regulatory scrutiny over the past few weeks, albeit, Finder believes its “vast range of features” debuted at market leading rates accounts for its leadership in the space.

KuCoin, Robinhood, Coinbase, FTX Derivatives Exchange and Gemini were all also ranked as the top trading platforms for various reasons.

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About Author
Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin

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