Are you buying the dip? Market is full red

From today morning I have been observing that the market is gradually going down. The price of many top tokens has gone down. I initially thought this would be a small dip in the price but looks like many coins suffered. One good thing I see even in this dip is that Hive is looking okay even though not very strong. I'm glad that Hive's price is not falling big time. Staying at 50 cents even at this fall is definitely a great thing.

I personally see this as a good opportunity for a quick trade. I'm not going to disclose what I did during this dip but I did use this as a purchasing opportunity to see if my luck works out. I have been observing a coin for a long time and I use this dip as an opportunity to purchase that coin and see how my luck works. Even if things go sideways, I'm not going to worry so much because I always wanted to invest in that particular coin and now I consider this as an opportunity for the future. If I'm lucky I can easily exit in another 1 or 2 weeks' time with a decent profit.


I wish I had more liquid funds in hand to purchase some tokens during this dip. Hive covers the major part of my portfolio. I did not get a chance to purchase anything beyond Hive even though there were a few instances where the market gave me a good opportunity. Right now even though it is a short dip, I see this as a good correction to the market and most likely the price would again pump back.

Bitcoin is not going to leave us this year. It is expected that before the end of the year, BTC would have already hit 100k and there is also a prediction that the target of 100k can even happen in the coming months too soon. A few friends who have been holding BTC for a long time are definitely going to have some fun. I have also made up my mind that if there is a big fall in the market due to some unlikely event, I'm definitely staying invested.


There are a few countries trying different ways to ban their people from not trading cryptocurrencies. In my opinion, banning cryptocurrencies is like banning air inside the house. As long as we have internet, this is going to exist. Some countries and governments have been talking about blocking the IP addresses of the crypto exchanges. It is very sad that they don't even know that it is of no use because we have a VPN.

What are your thoughts on this dip? Are you going to purchase any coins and hold them for a quick profit?


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