Another Mounting Hype Around Dogecoin: Paying for Lunar Missions

Dogecoin has been brought to the fore these days. Actually, it has been on the top of headlines in crypto news in a couple of platforms and websites, being driven by its celebrity enthusiasts. The rates are really stunning if not alluring in the sense that Dogecoin has even outshined both Ether and Bitcoin. With its space interests, Doge has not only emulated some large financial institutions in value, but also ascend the throne of crypto-currencies. 

Yet, it is worth noting that Dogecoin might possibly turn into a bubble. With all the momentum around this digital currency, notable price fluctuations and mainly doubts towards the coin are likely to happen. Before Musk’s performance on SNL on May 8, Dogecoin reaches its height due to mounting interests into investments. Crypto-traders and investors stocked up this digital currency getting ready for what they thought would be another fortune.

None has expected Musk’s response, about Dogecoin, which in fact, cause some sort of stagnation in the course of this week instead of moving higher.

Despite these changes in crypto-market, and away from skepticism, Musk’s company, SpaceX, has lately declared that Doge’s number-one priority is its mission to the moon. Indubitably, Musk’s schemes about lunar voyages will bring in a couple of revolutionary changes to digital currencies as far as space is concerned. Lunar voyages will possibly shape Dogecoin’s future as a pioneer in the digital currency space if not invite additional hype around the asset.

Actually, SpaceX has recently cemented its collaboration with Geometric Energy Corporation, prepare for their first mission to the space wholly paid for in crypto-currency. This is unprecedented in crypto-market up to now.

It could be therefore said that Dogecoin has position itself as an economic entity for lunar business in the space sector.

In the end, with all the above mentioned Dogecoin will transform the use of crypto-currencies giving birth to plenty of business opportunities or rather a new sort of commerce between planets.