$ADA: In April, Cardano’s Total Number of Transactions Increased by 8.5%

In this article, we look at how several important on-chain metrics — that give us an idea of the health of the Cardano network — performed in April 2022.

Please note all the data and charts used in this article come from a Google Data Studio dashboard called “Cardano Blockchain Insights“.

First, the total number of on the Cardano network went up from 8.5%.

Source: Cardano Blockchain Insights

Second, the number of $ADA addresses increased from 3,195,821 to 3,298,113, i.e. went up by 3.2%.

Source: Cardano Blockchain Insights

Third, the number of native tokens on the Cardano blockchain went from 4,134,394 to 4,598,178, which is an increase of 11.21%.

Source: Cardano Blockchain Insights

Finally, it is worth noting that currently (i.e. as of 2:20 p.m. UTC on May 2), the average blockchain load in the past 24-hour period is 75.37%.

Source: Cardano Blockchain Insights

Featured Image by “Quantitatives” via Unsplash