A bunch of Good Boiz in a Rocket Ship - All pet currencys skyrocket amidst Dogecoin’s massive bull run

Im sure you’ve heard, unless you have been living under a rock. Doge is flying . I have some , and I have a decent profit in Doge, but like everyone else I have wished I bought more when it was at a lower price. 

Then I heard about Shib. Another Dog coin. I bought some. Because why not. 25 bucks wouldn’t hurt. 

Overnight , Im already up 100%

and because I bought it as a joke . Just like Doge, this coin went up because it could. Im not going to take profits on it because It would be more fun not to. I want to let it cook and see how high it goes. 

It didn’t end there. Another animal coin crossed my radar today: Nyan.Finace. I liked the nyan cat meme and yearn finance a coin with fInance in the name mooned last year, so I bought some Nyan.finance for the lols . It looks like a good project too so it gets extra points in my book for that. But its less than 4 bucks so I scooped up four and called it a day. 

its just too fun , I couldn’t help myself. 

to the mars boys , lets gooo

The cover image of this article is a NFT I made : only 69 total mint, for just 15 wax . Get it while you can : 
