💔 Why You Always Buying High and Selling Low? These 2 New Dapps Can Help You.


How to catch up with the new crypto investment opportunities? Always check the latest dapps!

This week, we are introducing 1 new DeFi and 1 new DEX that might help you create new ways of earning.





Is it possible to always sell high and buy low? Check this new product before you answer.

Neverlose.money is a gamified HODL protocol designed for long-term investors. It introduces a lock-up smart contract HODL protocol on Ethereum that pays a bonus to the winners with the loser’s penalty. 

The ups and downs of the crypto market make long-term HODL almost impossible. 4 years ago, 1 ETH price was less than $1. Now it’s more than $1,000. Many people have bought and sold ETH halfway. How could you have thought you would earn a 35,200% profit if you bought ETH at that time and hold until now? Probably NOT. Then how to “force” yourself to hodl longer for a possibly higher interest rate? Try Neverlose.money.


This platform is inspired by the value investment strategy from Warren Buffett, a well-known investor who concretely holds an investment asset once he has strong confidence about the long-term profit.

How’s it possible to not lose money?


Here are the game rules of this first-ever social HODL contract:

  • You can lock-up their long-term assets with a set target period from 3 months to a maximum of 10 years.

  • You can withdraw your fund anytime you want, but you will get charged a 10% penalty + 3% treasury fund if you break and withdraw the fund WITHIN the set lock-up period. In turn, while you continue your lock-up, you will get a bonus based on your effective share whenever some users fail to HODL and withdraw their funds within the lock-up period. 

  • Plus, you earn WARREN governance tokens (WRN).


WRN is a governance token of the Neverlose.money platform, distributed to those who have active lock-up assets proportional to each effective asset value.


So how to lock up in it?

  • Connect wallet

  • Click the lock-up button in the asset tab that you want to lock-up. (Currently support WETH, WBTC, HUNT)

  • Set the lock-up amount and period from 3 months to a maximum of 10 years, and lock-up the asset.

  • Once you successfully complete your lock-up period, you will see the approval message and the locked-up asset on the dashboard.

To note, although the smart contract is audited and thoroughly unit tested, you may still encounter an unexpected issue. So mind the risk while using this protocol.






Ethereum gas fee too high, is there any other choice to trade tokens?

You can try ZKSwap, a token swap protocol based on Automated Market Maker (AMM), built on Ethereum Layer 2 Ropsten testnet. Through ZK-Rollup technology, it realizes the full set of Uniswap functions on Layer 2 of the Ethereum network.

No gas fee is its greatest feature. Liquidity providers and users on Ethereum might be frightened by the high gas fee there. Not anymore here on Layer 2. No need to pay high gas fees will greatly reduce the threshold for use.


What’s more, ZKSwap is decentralized, so you have complete control of assets, as well as good privacy of your transactions.


How to connect your METAMASK wallet to Layer 2 and get test tokens?

  • Click connect wallet on ZKSwap app and make sure it’s Ropsten Test Network in the MetaMask interface.

  • After the wallet is successfully connected, the asset details will be displayed automatically.

  • Transfer tokens from the MetaMask wallet to the Layer 2 wallet (This will need gas fees): copy your Metamask Ropsten address and go to Ethereum Ropsten Test Token Faucet to get Ropsten ETH.

  • Go back to the ZKSwap app, click Faucet to the ZKSwap Faucet page and paste the MetaMask Ropsten address. Then you will receive test tokens like Dai, wBTC, BAT.

Now you can use your assets on Ethereum Layer 2!



Check our weekly new blockchain products here: What’s New?



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