5 Tips for Writing Blogposts

Content of article:

  • 1. Grammar checker/proof reader
  • 2. Write down your ideas
  • 3. Keep a red thread
  • 4. Pictures, graphs and (maybe) videos
  • 5. Organize

Small/big disclaimer: I'm no expert at this. I just wanted to share my tips and tricks that help me when making these posts to optimize time spent and look.

It never looks good when a post is littered with errors and wrong grammar, I'm somewhat of a culprit to this myself. I would recommend using Scribens for checking your post for errors. It's free and mostly accurate, do double check the post yourself after putting it through this. The guys at Scribens also don't charge for their product to be used. Instead use ads, so to support them please disable your adblock just for their site. Once the post is grammar checked, copy the paragraphs and paste it back to not ruin your headings.

Often at times it can be hard to find an idea/concept to write about. If you get an idea for a post or series, write it down or create a post with just a title. This can help you out later once you decide to sit down and write it. I have a series I like and can always go to with my crypto in focus, there's going to be a great deal of coins to write about. This post I got the idea about few weeks ago and wrote down for once I decided to get around to it.

It's easy to get distracted and talk about something different. Keeping headings to help bring focus back to your main points can help the post from feelings scattered. Make it easy for yourself, and readers and don't randomly start talking about something completely different because your recommendation of fish NFTs reminded you off your pet fish, Clarence, who died in a car accident.

Long articles can be fairly boring, simply breaking up the article with a picture or two can help entice your readers to look through the thing. It's nice getting a tip every now and then but you generally want people to come back to your content. If I see a post with just a wall of text, I tend to just read through it partly to get the main points.

Keep a style or format that you have for all/most of your posts. Keeping certain points or topics to a single paragraph can help make it easier to outline your post and condense your points instead of making a post longer than necessary. This also extends to how you manage and keep track fo your, let's say, pictures on your computer. Writing alot is hard, conveying the same information with less text is harder.


Those are the 5 main points that I use that have helped me whilst writing. If you have any more ideas, feel free to share them down below!