5 Cryptos To Invest Into Before Price Explosion

5 Cryptos To Invest Into Before Price Explosion

In todays blog I'm going to cover 3 cryptocurrencies I believe are going to explode in price within the next couple of days and months to come. These are good investments to make before it's to late to get in. You have very limited time before its to late for some of these cryptos so make a smart investment decision. Finally before we get into the blog I wanna state that this is not financial advice so don't take it as such do your own research before making an investment. With that out the way lets now get into the blog post.      


With the London upgrade coming on 8/4/21 for Ethereum cryptocurrency we will most likely see a price hike for this crypto. The London fork is a hard fork is expected to bring lots of changes to Ethereum. Changes such as cheaper fees faster transaction times and probably best of all that's going to effect the price is a limit on how much Ethereum there can be. This is why I believe the price is going to go up. Not only that though but in recent day in anticipation for the hard fork there's been a huge buy up of Ethereum. This is already proof that the price of Ethereum is going to be on the rise.  

Ethereum Classic

With there being a limit on how much Ethereum there can many miners have started to move away from Ethereum. Not only that though but the hard fork also brings less rewards to miners for mining. Since Ethereum classic it attempting to stay the old Ethereum with unlimited supply and Proof-Of-Work I believe we see many investors and miners move towards this crypto. Hence the price increase however we haven't see a big amount of buying up of this crypto like we have seen for Ethereum.   


With Cardano we will expect the price increase to come with the update coming for this crypto coming at some time in august. Unlike Ethereum though there hasn't been a huge buy up of the ADA crypto. However the update is expected to bring a huge price increase because of it's new feature. That new feature is smart contracts. If you didn't know smart contracts are what make cryptos like Ethereum so popular and valuable. With this coming I also believe there NFT space will also blow up in popularity as well. However we will have to see as there doesn't seem to be to much public interest into this crypto. 

Turtle Coin

Now this is a cryptocurrency I don't expect many of you to know about. But this a crypto I have covered previously in another blog titled underdog cryptos. So I've been tracking this one for a while. In sometime in October version 2 of this coin is expected to come out. What this upgrade brings is Proof-of-stake and many other things such as faster transaction times and limit on how many coin there are. A good coin to get into before this new version of the coin is dropped. Also a big FYI the community here is tight and is like no other community I've seen in crypto I defiantly recommend joining the discord and getting to know everyone and a little more about the coin.


This is the update that is the furthest away in terms of the update coming. This gives you plenty of time to try to buy in at a good time and do plenty of research. What the update is going to bring to bitcoin is pretty big for the cryptocurrency. It's going to bring this such as faster transaction times and greater privacy. But what is really going to hike the price is the fact smart contracts are coming to it. This update will will do wonders for this crypto and bring many more investors to bitcoin.


My Final Words 

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