4 Memes That Perfectly Capture Being a Crypto HODLer

Disclaimer before I begin: I am in crypto for the long haul. As Sam Hinkie would say 'Trust the process'. Below are a handful of fun memes that I feel have captured my crypto journey pretty well - let me know in the comments if you share any of the same feelings!

1) Abe Simpson doesn't like Bitcoin

When I first got into Bitcoin, most people I spoke to laughed when I told them I had bought some. They used words like pyramid scheme, scam, and in general could not believe that I had bought into such a 'useless' idea. They would mention how criminals use it, how they'd heard from a friend of a friend that it was easy to 'get hacked' and lose all of your Bitcoin to hackers (even though properly stored Bitcoin is basically impossible to be stolen unless someone gets your seed phrase). My advice for this meme is to not listen to the Abe Simpson's of the world, and to trust your own research skills instead.

2) Can a gif be a meme too?

Ahh that sweet, sweet hopium. There was a time in my crypto journey when it honestly appeared I couldn't lose. My Shiba Inu value doubled in a week. Meme coins like Baby Doge Coin, Garlicoin, and Zelda Inu suddenly looked like genius investments. Then came the crypto winter and suddenly my little doge dog was crashing like Bill Cosby's popularity in 2014. Thankfully, I hadn't went all in on meme coins and believed enough in my holdings that I continue to hold them today. Advice: When everything looks too good to be true, it probably is. Or, I'm wrong and the future of crypto is indeed SpaceKim - who knows?

3) Hide the pain Harold feels great

We all love seeing our portfolios drop 70%, right? Sure, some people just see it as a buying opportunity, but for a lot of others - this recent drop has potentially added a few grey hairs to their head. One of my favourite memes of all time, I can't help thinking of Hons Moleman desperately telling everyone 'Drinking has ruined my life, I'm 31 years old'. Reworded into 2022 crypto speak, we might say 'Terra Luna has ruined my life, I'm 31 years old'. Don't be Moleman, stay cool diamond hands.

4) Stay calm and HODL

These meme describes where I'm currently at in my crypto journey. Sure, my portfolio is down on paper, but I'm just continuing to DCA, stack sats and HODL, HODL, HODL. Nothing has changed with the technology, so nothing is changing with my investment mindset. Controversial opinion - The Great Gatsby is an overrated book too.

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