2022 predictions (tldr; get ready)

This is a follow-up article to the predictions article I made in August of 2020 which you can read here. A lot has changed since then. It's awfully easy to predict what's going to happen when you've seen the movie before, or at least when you've studied other movies that are basically the same fucking thing. Aka "History."

This article will attempt to be in the same style - succinct and to-the-point and from the perspective of just a casual lengthy-ass message to a friend asking about my opinion on the state of the world. I am actually writing this specifically for PUBLISH0X right now so it might be a little different but that was the main intention going in. Aka in the style of a rant, but slightly more polished (maybe). This article is the pill of truth that might be hard to swallow, as a warning. Don't act surprised if any of this shit happens after you finish reading this article. It is very easy to predict how people will behave over a long enough time-frame, because human nature and basic psychology will stay the same for ages, for better or worse. Introduction over.

Vaccine Deaths

The vaccine rollout was very swift and it seems it has now created the have's and have-not's - but this time regarding things like basic freedom to travel, to work, to go to church, or other things. But of course it's "your choice" if you want to go to work or to go on a vacation outside of your country. That's how the powers that be always frame thing: "it's your choiceit's for your benefit." Otherwise people would feel pressured into doing something, people would feel a sort of coercive influence on their behaviour and their choices and we can't have that now can we. We want to give people the illusion that they have a choice when we force them into a corner. The divisive nature of the corona issue will only continue to get worse, especially as economic factors continue to erode those who might have seen this whole thing as a surprise and an issue that they weren't prepared for. And as such a great number of people have willingly signed up to receive an experimental and new vaccine technology, let the unknown long-term side effects begin!! I expect many deaths and health problems as a result, and the media and big pharma etc will most likely label these under something else - most likely another variant. Given that most of the western world is heading into winter season soon (typically known as "flu season" aka a time when respiratory viruses typically get worse and more common) I would expect things to really start to ramp up. And by that I mean we are about to see a lot of deaths as a result of the vaccines. Expect more propaganda regarding the vaccine as the ultimate panacea for all of these problems that were realistically caused by governmental decision-making. P.S. If you're reading this and you've taken "the" vaccine, be sure to get your Will & Testament updated and in order. Death is a very tragic thing for a family to go through, it's even more tragic when they're faced with the stress of dealing with your belongings after you're gone and there's no message for them regarding any of your wishes. So figure that shit out. With that being said, *everyone* should have that shit sorted out in my opinion, regardless of vaccination status (obviously).

Vaccine Passport

Of course in conjunction with the above, I would expect even more tightening of governmental restrictions into the future. "For your benefit" though, of course. Starting in November in my own country of Canada you won't be able to get on a plane and leave the country without having had the vaccine. That's nice. My choice though! Many soviet countries eventually wiggled their way into closing the border for their citizens, but I'm sure that was different. With this of course comes the introduction of the vaccine passport to verify your status and eligibility for freedoms that we all took for granted a very short time ago - aka "show me your papers." Like I mentioned in my previous article last year, this passport will most-likely involve blockchain in some way into the future because of how "immutable" the blockchain system is and how superior it is to classic ways of record-keeping like writing things on a piece of paper or storing them on a database that might be hacked into and destroyed relatively easily. The vaccine passport will have to be next level technology - for your safety though. Eventually people won't even be able to go into a grocery store without showing their vaccine passport at the door. That sounds about as far-fetched of a conspiracy as the very idea of a vaccine passport did this time last year - keep that in mind.

CBDC + Finance

Eventually the vaccine passport will be connected to your state-issued CBDC account - again, for your safety. This is because we want to prevent fraud, we want to stop criminals, we want to protect granny, and we want to have all of your information easily accessible for the freedom police to verify what you are allowed to do. The CBDC of course is what I consider to be a huge step in the "end-game" of this whole thing: total control of the money supply down to the individual level. Social credit system coming shortly after of course (also for your safety). The CBDC will be programmable money, and it will mean that algorithms (built by people) will be able to determine things like your individual interest rate and your credit limit, amongst other things of course. It will track everything you buy, how you operate with your money, and give you a more personalized approach to your finances. It might eventually reward you for buying things that are deemed to be good for you, and penalize you (or even stop you completely) from buying things that are considered to be bad for you. Again, this is always for your benefit and for your safety. We want to incentivize people to buy a gym membership and we want to discourage people from buying something like alcohol or junk-food! Free choice was lost in 2020 but not realized until it was too late - you can quote me as saying that. With the war on cash (because it might carry VIRUSES!!!!), good luck trying to do anything in society without your cellphone which will be connected to your vaccine passport which will be connected to your CBDC account and all of the money you have - or that the state gave you through some sort of future UBI/UBE (Universal Basic Income/Expenses) program - for the benefit of the people, of course! How will they get people to adopt such a sinister sounding concept? Most likely they will create some sort of crisis for which it will be the only solution and logical answer - maybe even incentivized by offering people free money for signing up? People are allowing themselves to be injected with an experimental vaccine technology for a free happy meal so you can imagine how easy this on-boarding process would be. This is all the more reason why things that are "outside of the financial system" are only going to be increasingly more valuable, things like physical gold and silver for wealth preservation, and privacy coins which cannot be tracked and controlled/monitored by the state. Even though at some point, people who have physical metals and use privacy coins might be ~villainized~ by the state as being selfish and hurtful to other people. The same kind of tactics that the United States government used to slowly ease people into giving up their gold in 1933 - if you went against the wishes of the government you were considered a bad person. Coercive measures won't be ending with needing the vaccine to get on an airplane - objects in motion tend to stay in motion.

If you don't know the term "cyber polygon" you probably should by now. It's a similar sort of exercise as Event 201 - which was a simulation of a covid-19-esque virus that swept across the world forcing governments to shut down their economies, which happened in October of 2019. Long story short here's what is going to happenThe only way to stop the exponential propagation of cyber-COVID would be to fully disconnect all vulnerable devices from one another and the internet to avoid infection. The whole world could experience cyber lockdown until a digital vaccine was developed. All business communication and data transfers would be blocked. Social contact would be reduced to people contactable by in-person visits, copper landline, snail-mail or short-wave radio." If that quote alone doesn't paint a picture for what the future *might* hold, then you should just read the book called The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab. There was a time when journalists were claiming that the idea of a "great reset" was just a conspiracy - little did they know it's an actual agenda of the World Economic Forum LOLZ - but those articles are fairly easy to delete from the internet once they're proven wrong. There will continue to be further issues regarding technology and the internet. More specifically, get ready for major institutions/internet infrastructure to go down suddenly in all sorts of cyber/hacking type events. Whether or not these are done by the people on the inside, these events will be used as propaganda material to further the goals mentioned above: stigmatize cryptocurrency (particularly privacy coins, because criminals use them) and further illustrate the necessity to have more centralized systems controlling everything - for your safety, as always. Supply chain issues will continue to get worse as a symptom. Expect food shortages and maybe even individual/family allowances for certain foods at some point. Not to mention of course the "energy crisis" that will be sweeping the globe this upcoming winter, putting many places out of electricity for days/weeks and potentially even longer. This of course will be used as fuel for the agenda - global warming bad, green energy needed as panacea, our old ways need to be changed, here are the solutions we have made, don't worry this is all for your benefit, follow along. Basically the powers that be are trying to create a controlled demolition of the system that society currently has, so that they can offer the solution when it's all over. And that solution will be what they wanted and were planning for all along. More control for them, less freedom for you, and this will all be for the greater good - which should be obvious by now. Absolutely worst case scenario, the internet gets shut down/turned off somehow. This would be absolutely catastrophic for literally everyone and everything, and I don't expect this to happen. But I'm sure three years ago nobody expected anything that's going on right now to happen. Except maybe Alex Jones, David Icke, and George Orwell.


Enough doom and gloom. What can we do? What can the person reading this article, you, actually do about all this? Here is a small little list of almost everything that I have come up with, and please feel free to make a comment on this article to contribute your own thoughts on the matter. Here is what you can do as an individual: say no to the little things that you think will have no difference (wearing a mask in the store if you don't agree with the mandate, hugging your friend when there's awkward energy in the air when you see each other, and not supporting businesses that agree with the vaccine passport mandates if that's what you believe in, vote for what you think is right with your money and your actions, etc). Get your house in order - which more specifically means things such as: have stores of food, water, and medical supplies at your house. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Don't rely on a freezer to keep a ton of food as the electricity might go out for an extended time and then woops you're fucked. Get a freeze drying machine (or at least some freeze-dried foods) so that you can store food for YEARS if necessary. Plant a fucking garden and eat real food that will actually improve your immune system. Food will have more value than anything related to money on a long-enough time-frame in the worst conditions, so value it more than money right now to stay ahead of the crowd. And if nothing "bad" happens, you will always need to eat anyways and inflation is a bitch so you might be buying things on sale if you buy them right now and keep them into the future. Get your finances in order too. Hold some physical metals such as gold and silver, have some physical cash, have some money in a few different bank accounts (not banks that are connected under the same corporate umbrella - research this if it is a concern), have some money in crypto including stablecoins and privacy coins, have some money in stonks too if you wish; just don't have all of your financial eggs in one basket. Because it's almost guaranteed one of those baskets will go tits up at some point and you want to have enough in the other baskets to be able to be feel okay afterwards. Things that shouldn't even need to be mentioned are as follows: have tangible skills, make relationships with those who live near you, improve yourself in ways that you feel will be valuable to other people, and turn off the mainstream propaganda machines.


If you can't create your own positivity in your mind during tough times, you're sadly NGMI. Aka learn how to do that: meditation, breathwork, and exercise; among other things obviously. Learn and teach yourself how to be unphased when bad shit happens, even little things. Self-awareness and compassion are the answers. As for my final message, good always triumphs over evil. . This is the fourth turning, and collectively we have the choice to make things better on the other side, but that decision starts today. So make one action/decision that is towards the future that you wish to see created every fucking day and maybe it will come true someday. Stay positive.

"Hold your head up, because only you can let it down."