1st Trading Competition on Biswap - 30.000$ Price Pool

Hey guys,

Biswap and BetFury just announced the first trading competition on the pretty new DEX running on BINANCE Smart Chain. For trading BFG token you can participate from a prize pool of 30.000$!

Biswap? BetFury?

Okay, but one step back in the case you don't know Biswap or Betfury (if you know just skip this paragraph):

BetFury is one of the biggest crypto casinos. I don't like gambling because you can't win against the house edge, but BetFury has a native token - BFG - which you farm by wagering and which represents a share from a daily dividend pool. So for me the goal on BetFury is basically wagering as much as possible before getting rekt. Due to the tokenomics of BFG I think things may become interesting once all BFG is mined. If interested read more about how BFG is designed here.

Biswap on the other hand side is a rather new Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain with damn low fees, an interesting referral system and - of course - a native token. Btw their native token BSW still has pretty awesome APRs at round about 700%.

Another feature I really like is that you get most of your trading fees back in BSW. I just hodl it in the launchpool with the before mentioned 700% APR and see how it will develop.

30.000$ Price Pool

Together Biswap and BetFury now announced the first trading competition on Biswap. Depending on your trading volume in BFG you participate in a price pool of 28.000$. Of course the first places are reserved for whales, but it may be a cool opportunity if you think about getting some BFG to earn daily interests on BetFury to swap it now and get some cents or dollars back from the competition.

The other 2.000$ are paid out to 20 lucky participants on pre-defined ranks. Each receives 100$ extra.

As an overview here's the table for the rewards with detailed rules:


Final Thoughts

I don't think you can really make money with trade competitions unless you are a whale or trading high volumes with a bot. Nevertheless it is a cool opportunity to get some BFG and maybe be lucky enough to get some dollars back.

What do you think about trading competitions and how do you feel about BetFury? Let me know in the comments!

If you use my referral links to Biswap or BetFury you would support my work while it not costs you anything - so don't be shy ;)

As always: thank you for reading, liking and tiping!

Carla XOXO

PS: PLEASE don't gamble with big sums of cryto - you can't win against the house! Also I'm not a financial advisor and just presenting projects I find interesting. If you think about investing in anything - especially in the crypto world - be sure to understand what you are doing and DYOR!