1 Month passed, lets see what happend

So, a month ago I uploaded my first article here, so in this post, I want to talk about my performance and activity here:

Number of posts uploaded this month: 7

Number of followers: 4

The most popular article: 1000X possible? My thoughts on this bs

The article I most enjoyed writing: 100,000$ they said?? (had the worst performance??, but I still really enjoyed making the memes)

Got a total of 22 likes and 1 dislike

Earned from all posts: 0.64$

Now, let's set a few goals for march:

  • At least 6 posts 
  • Have at least 15 followers
  • Get 50 likes
  • To earn at least 1.25$
  • Make more memes b/c that was really nice
  • Planning to read more on Leofinance and READ.CASH and posting there too, I'm gonna keep you updated about this.

If anyone got something he would like me to write about, tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading guys, I'll see you next time(: