15 Best Bitcoin Exchanges for Day Trading in 2020

Cryptocurrency exchanges are sites where you can purchase, sell or trade cryptographic forms of money for other computerized cash or customary money like US dollars or Euro. For those that need to exchange expertly and approach extravagant exchanging apparatuses, you will probably need to utilize a trade that expects you to confirm your ID and open a record. If you simply need to make the intermittent, direct exchange, there are additional stages that you can utilize that don’t require a record.

Editor’s Choice

Interested in trading cryptocurrency?

Here’s how we trade Bitcoin and all other altcoins.

  • Lowest fees of all major exchanges, especially if you use Binance’s BNB coin to pay for fees, you get 50% discount
  • Fast execution
  • Most trusted exchange in the world, it’s the most active cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume
  • Anonymous withdrawal up to 2 BTC within 24hours without KYC detail verification

Get Started Trading Cryptocurrency Here with Binance

Types of exchanges

Exchanging Platforms – These are sites that interface purchasers and dealers and take a charge from every exchange.

Direct Trading – These stages offer direct individuals to individual exchanging where people from various nations can trade money. Direct exchanging trades don’t have a fixed market cost, rather, every dealer sets their very own conversion standard.

Brokers – These are sites that anybody can visit to purchase cryptographic forms of money at a value set by the merchant. A cryptographic money broker is like outside trade sellers.

Today there is a large group of stages to look over, yet not all trades are made equivalent. This rundown depends on client surveys just as a large group of other criteria, for example, ease of use, availability, charges, and security. The following are the 15 of the best crypto trades dependent on this review, not necessarily on a particular standard.

  • Binance
  • Coinbase Pro
  • Huobi
  • Bitbuy.ca
  • ChangeNOW
  • ShapeShift
  • Bitstamp
  • Bitsquare
  • Kraken
  • Cex.io
  • Poloniex
  • CoinMama
  • LocalBitcoin
  • LinkCoin
  • Gemini

See our eview of the best cryptocurrency exchanges for day trading below.


On the off chance that your process is to direct crypto-to-crypto exchanging, BINANCE is probably the best alternative. Positioned as one of the most prevalent digital money trades around the world, they furnish you with noteworthy contributions alongside an amazingly low exchanging expense. Even though the Binance stage is like a beginner contestant into the market, it is quickly developing and holds an enormous choice of altcoins with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether pairings.

The trade offers its very own coin named as BNB (Binance coin). Being an incorporated trade, you can get conventional limits while leading exchange with their token. Binance offers a standard exchanging charge of just 0.1% which can even be diminished further if the deposit is made within BNB.

Advantages: Ubiquitous stage, stage token, exceptionally low to execute, accessible around the world.

Disadvantages: No fiat exchanging, restricted deposit alternatives.

Get Started Trading Cryptocurrency Here with Binance

Coinbase Pro

Sponsored by confidential financial specialists and utilized by a large number of clients all around, COINBASE is one of the most prominent and surely understood dealers and exchanging stages in the world. The Coinbase stage makes it simple to safely purchase, use, store and exchange advanced money. Clients can buy bitcoins, Ether and now Litecoin from Coinbase through a computerized wallet accessible on Android and iPhone or through exchanging with different clients on their trading exchange Coinbase Pro.

Coinbase Pro as of now works in the US, Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Coinbase Pro does not right now charge any exchange expenses for moving assets between your Coinbase record and the Coinbase Pro account. For the time being, the choice of tradable monetary forms will, in any case, rely upon the nation you live in. Look at the Coinbase FAQ and Coinbase Pro FAQ.

Advantages: Good notoriety, security, sensible expenses, newbie usable, stored money is secured by Coinbase protection.

Disadvantages: Customer support, restricted deposit techniques, constrained nations upheld, non-uniform rollout of administrations around the world, Coinbase Pro appropriate for specialized dealers alone.

Get Started Trading Cryptocurrency Here with Coinbase Pro


Situated in San Francisco, Huobi is functioning by HBUS Holdco, Inc. (“HBUS”), a U.S. organization and key pair of Huobi Global, one of the world’s biggest computerized resource exchanging and executive’s specialist co-ops. At the point of writing this article, Huobi is just accessible to Chinese and US inhabitants barring those dwelling in Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Louisiana, New York, North Carolina, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, and all U.S. Domains.

Huobi offers plenty of token exchanging alternatives (Over 50 pairings). As we know, crypto doesn’t rest and neither does Huobi as they offer their clients day in and day out free client support. Expenses for USD exchanges are .1% paying a little charge to be creator or taker, all crypto to crypto exchanges is .05%.

Advantages: a day in and day out Free Customer Support, High-Quality Analytics, High Liquidity, Good history

Disadvantages: Only Available to Chinese and Some US Residents, USD is the main Fiat Supported.



Bitbuy.ca is a Canadian designed and functioning computerized cash stage. Initially established as InstaBT in 2013, the organization’s central goal is to give advantageous, reliable and secure access to Bitcoin and other computerized monetary forms. Client administration, convenience, and brisk turnaround times for stores and withdrawals are mainstays of this stage.

They oblige amateurs just as experienced brokers, and are one of Canada’s fastest developing bid/ask stages. An extraordinary decision for clients hoping to purchase and hold crypto, or clients searching for a dependable entrance ramp to transform their fiat into crypto rapidly and effectively.

Advantages: Great client administration

Quick enrollment and confirmation

Snappy handling of CAD stores and withdrawals

Low expenses

Disadvantages: Only offers BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH

Just accessible to Canadians alone.



ChangeNOW is an enrollment free moment cryptographic money trade stage for boundless crypto transformations. ChangeNOW has been available for over a year now and has earned a history for dependable administration with incredible rates. The trading stage does not require account creation, preparing quick exchanges for more than 170 cryptos, just as fiat-to-crypto demand. ChangeNOW remains fair with its clients and gathers no covered up or expanded charges. The operation of the exchange remains rather short. Contingent upon the exchange volume, the executing pace can take as short as 2 minutes.

Advantages: free registration – no record required

Above 170 cryptographic money coins and tokens recorded – above 36000 exchanging pairs

No restrictions – no extreme amount of trade sum

2 digital money trade streams: standard and fixed-rate

Advantageous buy with Credit cards

Every minute of the day support

Versatile application

Disadvantages: No Leverage. ChangeNOW does not offer utilized leveraged exchanging on cryptographic forms of money.



ShapeShift is the main trade that supports an assortment of cryptographic forms of money including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash, Dash, Dogecoin and numerous others. SHAPESHIFT is incredible for the individuals who need to make moment clear exchanges without joining to a record or depending on a stage to hold their assets. ShapeShift does not enable clients to buy crypto’s with platinum cards, Mastercards or some other installment framework. The stage has a no fiat strategy and takes into consideration the trade among bitcoin and the other bolstered digital currencies. Visit the Shapeshift FAQ

Advantages: Good history, newbie useable, Dozens of Crypto’s accessible for trade, quick, sensible costs.

Disadvantages: Average portable application, no fiat monetary forms, restricted deposit alternatives, and devices.



Bitsquare is an easy to use shared trade that enables you to purchase and sell bitcoins in return for fiat monetary forms or digital forms of money. Bitsquare markets itself as a genuinely decentralized and distributed trade that is right away available and requires no requirement for enlistment or dependence on a focal expert. Bitsquare never holds client reserves and anybody except for exchanging partners trade individual information.

The stage offers extraordinary security with multisig addresses, security stores and reason fabricated judge framework if there should arise an occurrence of exchange debates. On the off chance that you need to stay unknown and don’t confide in anybody, Bitsquare is the ideal stage for you. Look at the Bitsquare FAQ

Advantages: Good history, secure and private, a huge measure of cryptographic forms of money accessible, no sign-up, conventional expenses, open-source, accessible around the world, useful for cutting edge merchants.

Disadvantages: Limited deposit choices, normal client support, not disposed well to newbies.



Established in 2011, Kraken is the biggest Bitcoin trade in euro volume and liquidity and is a partner in the principal digital money bank. Kraken allows you to purchase and sell bitcoins and exchange among bitcoins and euros, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds and Japanese Yen. It’s likewise conceivable to exchange computerized monetary standards other than Bitcoin like Ethereum, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Augur REP tokens, ICONOMI, Zcash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple and Stellar/Lumens.

For increasingly experienced clients, Kraken offers margin exchanging and a large group of other exchanging highlights. Kraken is an extraordinary decision for increasingly experienced brokers. Look at the Kraken FAQ

Advantages: Good history, better than average trade rates, low exchange charges, insignificant store expenses, include rich, extraordinary client support, secure, bolstered around the world.

Disadvantages: Limited deposit strategies, not reasonable for newbies, unintuitive UI.



Cex.io gives a wide scope of administrations for utilizing bitcoin and different cryptographic forms of money. The stage lets clients effectively exchange fiat cash with digital forms of money and on the other hand cryptographic forms of money for fiat cash. For those hoping to exchange bitcoins expertly, the stage offers customized and easy to understand exchanging dashboards and margins exchanging.

On the other hand, CEX likewise offers a financier administration which gives amateur dealers a very basic approach to purchasing bitcoin at costs that are pretty much following the market rate. The Cex.io site is secure and natural and cryptographic forms of money can be put away in safe cold stockpiling. Look at the Cex.io FAQ

Advantages: Good history, great portable item, underpins Credit cards, newbie-friendly, not too bad swapping scale, upheld around the world, API answers for robotized exchanging

Disadvantages: Strict confirmation rules, charges fluctuate with the deposit technique.



Established in 2014, Poloniex is one of the world’s driving digital currency trades. The trade offers a protected exchanging condition with more than 100 diverse Bitcoin cryptographic money pairings and propelled instruments and information examination for cutting edge brokers. As one of the most prominent exchanging stages with the most astounding exchanging volumes, clients will consistently have the option to close an exchange position. Poloniex utilizes a volume-layered, creator taker expense plan for all exchanges so charges are diverse if you are the producer or the taker. For producers, charges extend from 0 to 0.15%, contingent upon the sum exchanged.

For takers, charges run from 0.10 to 0.25%. There are no charges for withdrawals past the exchange expense required by the system. One of the special devices on the Poloniex stage is the talkbox which is continually loaded up with client help and pretty much everything. Any client can compose nearly anything other than unseemly remarks are in the long run erased by mediators. It can now and then be difficult to separate the solid counsel from the terrible, however, the Chatbox is an extraordinary device that will keep you locked in.

Advantages: quick record creation, include rich, BTC loaning, high-volume exchanging, easy to understand, low exchanging expenses, open API.

Disadvantages: Slow client administration, no fiat support.



CoinMama is a veteran representative stage that anybody can visit to purchase bitcoin or Ether utilizing your Creditcard or money utilizing MoneyGram. CoinMama is extraordinary for the individuals who need to make moment direct buys of computerized money utilizing their local cash.

Even though the CoinMama administration is accessible around the world, clients ought to know that a few nations will most likely be unable to utilize every one of the elements of the site. CoinMama is accessible in English, German, French, Italian and Russian. Look at the CoinMama FAQ

Advantages: Good history, novice cordial, extraordinary UI, great scope of installment choices, accessible around the world, quick exchange time.

Disadvantages: High trade rates, an exceptional expense for Creditcards, no bitcoin sell platforms, normal client support.



LocalBitcoin is a P2P Bitcoin trade with purchasers and merchants in a great and many urban communities around the globe. With LocalBitcoins, you can get together with individuals in your neighborhood purchase or sell bitcoins in real money, send cash through PayPal, Skrill or Dwolla or mastermind to store money at a bank office. LOCALBITCOINS just take a commission of 1% from the merchants who set their very own trade rates. To guarantee to exchange is secure, LocalBitcoins take various precautionary measures.

To begin, the stage rates every merchant with a historical rank and openly shows past exercises. Likewise, when an exchange is mentioned, the cash is hung on LocalBitcoins’ escrow administration. After the merchant affirms the exchange is finished the assets are discharged. If something happens to turn out badly, LocalBitcoins has a help and compromise group to determine clashes among purchasers and dealers. Look at LocalBitcoins FAQ

Advantages: No ID required, newbie useable, generally free, moment transactions, accessible around the world.

Disadvantages: Hard to purchase a lot of bitcoin, high trades rates.



LinkCoin is an Over-The-Counter (OTC) digital currency trade that was created by Yesbit Ltd as a team with Bibox. Situated in Toronto Canada, the trade forms exchanges independently utilizing shrewd contracts. Additionally, with a completely practical site, and Android + iOs applications, the stage has the fundamental innovative framework to give clients an administration that meets the majority of their venture needs.

Linkcoin has 7 digital currencies accessible for procurement (BTC, ETH, BCH, ETC, LTC, LKN, BIX) in addition, with a portion of the industries most reduced exchange charges (zero purchaser expenses + 0.6% merchant charges), they make purchasing and selling cryptographic forms of money as reasonable as could be expected under the circumstances. Availability is something Linkcoin likewise values. Which is the reason they acknowledge Interac e-Transfer, Bank Wire, AliPay and WeChat Pay, Clients can likewise pay in either CAD, USD, CNY, JPY, or HKD.

Advantages: No ID required, Cheap to sell, stage token, allowed to purchase, high protection and security, heaps of deposit choices.

Disadvantages: Lack of altcoins, constrained volume, not newbie cordial.



Partnered to establish by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, Gemini is a completely managed authorized US Bitcoin and Ether trade. That implies Gemini’s capital prerequisites and administrative models are like a bank. Likewise, all US dollar stores are held at an FDIC-guaranteed bank and most of the advanced money is held in cool stockpiling. Gemini exchanges three monetary forms, US dollars, bitcoin, and ether, so the stage does not serve merchants of the plenty of different cryptographic forms of money. The trade works through a producer taker expense plan with limits accessible for high volume merchants. All stores and withdrawals are complimentary. The stage is just completely accessible to clients in 42 US states, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and the UK. Look at Gemini’s FAQ

Advantages: Security and Compliance, smooth/moderate and easy to use structure, incredible investigation, high liquidity.

Disadvantages: Limited monetary standards, little network, normal client support, restricted overall accessibility, no margins exchanging.


*What to look out for before joining an exchange

It’s critical to complete a little background work before you begin exchanging. Here are a couple of things you should check before making your first exchange.

History – The most ideal approach to get some answers concerning a trade is to look through surveys from individual clients and understood industry sites. You can post any inquiries you may have on gatherings like BitcoinTalk or Reddit.

Expenses – Most trades ought to have charge related data on their sites. Before joining, ensure you get to store, exchange and withdrawal expenses. Charges can vary significantly relying upon the trade you use.

Deposit Methods – What deposit techniques are accessible on the trade? Credit and platinum card? Does the wire move? PayPal? If a trade has constrained deposit choices, at that point it may not be advantageous for you to utilize it. Keep in mind that buying digital currencies with a Credit card will consistently require a personality check and accompany a top-notch cost as there is a higher danger of extortion and higher exchange and handling expenses. Buying cryptographic money utilizing wire move will accept altogether longer as it requires some investment for banks to process.

Confirmation Requirements – by far most of the Bitcoin exchanging stages both in the US and the UK require a type of ID check to make stores and withdrawals. A few trades will enable you to stay unknown. Even though check, which can take up to a couple of days, may appear to be a torment, it ensures the trade against a wide range of tricks and illegal tax avoidance.

Boundary Restrictions – Some particular client capacities offered by trades are just open for specific nations. Ensure the trade you need to join enables full access to all stage apparatuses and works in the nation you at present life in.

Swapping scale – Different trades have various rates. You will be astounded by the amount you can spare if you look around. It’s normal for rates to change up to 10% and significantly higher in certain examples.


In Conclusion:

Picking the perfect digital money trade stage for your particular needs might be a troublesome and tedious procedure. Make sure to focus on the expenses, history, and security, check procedures, and boundary administrations a trade stage brings to the table. Keep in mind that you are not restricted to utilizing just a single digital currency trade. Ideally, the data given will help you in choosing which trade stage to utilize.

Editor’s Choice

Interested in trading cryptocurrency?

Here’s how we trade Bitcoin and all other altcoins.

  • Lowest fees of all major exchanges, especially if you use Binance’s BNB coin to pay for fees, you get 50% discount
  • Fast execution
  • Most trusted exchange in the world, it’s the most active cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume
  • Anonymous withdrawal up to 2 BTC within 24hours without KYC detail verification

Get Started Trading Cryptocurrency Here with Binance

Cryptocurrency, Reviews