You are valuable. Claim back your privacy! Brave, Presearch, Proton.

We have a right to privacy. However, our privacy is exploited and monetized every single day. In today's modern world we are obliged to use certain IT products in order to survive in a society - to socialize with people, to make a job done and get paid for, to search for quick and necessary information or to buy things we need. That's just how the so-called information society functions and technological isolation just isn't a solution. That's not the case. It's actually a fantastic thing to live in such a technologized world. The problem is that we got used to products that became widely available and convenient to use, and then large corporations decided to take advantage of our weakness and earn money at our expense.

We all have a value. They know it. Do you?

I'll present to you alternatives to 3 most essential tools that we use on a daily basis when in comes to interacting with the web, namely: browser, search engine and email service.



1. Brave

Brave Browser removes and blocks all tracking scripts and intrusive ads, which in turn frees up CPU memory, reduces data usage and speeds up pages loading. What's important - the company behind the browser doesn't collect your private data. Their business model is somewhat similar to Google (as advertising company) and yet so different when it comes to how they treat a user. Namely, you can participate in their browser built-in ads system - a system that rewards you - the user - for your attention in form of BAT cryptocurrency token. Your attention is a resource that is limited and highly valuable, so why aren't you getting paid for it!? Try it for yourself. Although, you don't have to. You can have that choice. You can just have some rest from over-stimulated world and enjoy ad-free browsing with no string attached.

2. Presearch

Presearch works perfectly with Brave. It's a privacy-focused search engine that aims to become fully community driven - to become truly decentralized. No user info is tracked or stored. Instead PRESEARCH rewards you - the user - for searching with their PRE token. The same token can be used by advertisers to purchase keyword ad space, so that both users and advertisers can live in harmony without breaching the privacy aspect. Just imagine being rewarded for doing the same thing you do everyday anyway - both from your browser and search engine (BAT & PRE), while having your privacy protected and being fully recognized as a valuable and respected for it.

Feel free to use my referral link below, which will grant you free 25 PRE tokens upon registration.

3. Proton

ProtonMail offers you free, open-sourced, end-to-end encrypted email service. Their servers are based in Switzerland, so all user data is protected by Swiss privacy laws (which are regarded as most strict privacy laws in the world). Don't let your email provider spy on your emails ever again!

Interesting fact: ProtonMail was being used by fictional hacker Elliot Alderson (protagonist of Mr. Robot TV Show). Loved that show btw!