Will Economic War Lead to a Global Economic Transformation

We have entered an era where economic warfare is being felt by every nation on the planet. Global markets are failing as governmental power including currency powers are coming into question. No-one truly knows the valuation of an asset due to the speculation within the investment structure. Everyone is looking to make a buck and when enough people flock in, someone does.

We all live under this structure. It seems a distant memory when a family could survive without a side hustle and still pay for all the needs of the family.

We have definitely forgotten who we are but not only as Americans but as a people in general. We have allowed our Greed to manipulate our thoughts to where we no longer see those who have lost everything and have become so obsessed with their own lives that we have forgotten about the sorrow that is around us.

And the fed wants to raise rates……..

Are you kidding me! The fact is that if the fed raises interest rates, they are basically pulling money out of the system when people need it the most. It is not the fault of the people that assets were allocated to too many greedy pockets. We were told that Trickle Down Economics would actually be beneficial to all Americans.

This belief structure has been spread across the globe and has infected the minds of those who received everything. Why is there even a thing as a billionaire while a family could pay for their entire years needs working one day at that salary. There is an issue with the fact that those who have everything never gave to those who were given nothing.

Believe in this system or don’t but this is where we find ourselves in this global mess that we see is being unveiled.

Currently in Europe, natural gas is the issue as Russia warns of a winter without natural gas to heat their homes. This would be horrifying for anyone involved but the possibility of this occurring is gathering by the day.

Combine this with the recent Inflation report showing inflation is raising higher than anticipated show the interest increasing cycle needs to intensify to limit inflation. Problem is that to increase interest rates to the levels needed to combat this inflationary bubble, we would need to be at 8-9% plus understanding that manipulated data has limited the actual number, many speculate it to be closer to 20%.

In other words, worse case scenario is the Fed would need to raise interest rates to 20% to combat this inflationary debt bubble the dollar is in. This would destroy the middle class and only leave the wealthy holding all the assets.

So the fact that the market cannot even handle the minor raises that we have implemented show the weakness in our economy. The only way to even try to get out of this problem is to continue spending money until money cannot be spent and hope you bought the right stuff. The problem is your $100 won’t go very far compared to those who can spend millions on the same stuff.

We allowed those who walked before us to place a path of substantial wealth for some while others starve. Capitalism at its finest is shown when it starts to eat itself. We are witnessing this happening all around the globe as our society is no longer able to pretend the old system was fair. Too few have everything while the masses lose everything chasing a dream. The system was rigged long before you got here and has been used to funnel lots of money to those who now won’t share.

We all as a society have allowed ourselves to funnel assets into the desired pockets. This has happened globally no-one is exempt. The problem with this system is the bigger pockets always win. Add in a printing press of those bigger pockets and the average man does not stand a chance.

The problem is when the entire world understands the ponzie-schme and how it is rigged, its hard to get people to continue the illusion.

We are witnessing this in the almost daily acts of violence that happen across our nation. As money is removed from the system against those who have already lost everything, people are pushed to the edge. We have brought our society to the edge. This is by design and illustrations the lack of humanity our society has toward those who have nothing and foreshadows what is in store for many.

We have lost our way while leaving our fellow man homeless and hungry. How are we, as a society, to come together to fix a problems this big?

Also we must ask whenever has a global society been economically interwoven within itself and then tried to break itself apart?

Either way, our world will witness an economic transformation with or without our desire.