Why Cryptocurrency and Pokemon are the ultimate litmus tests for loyalty

You start your journey with anticipation. You've heard so much about this trend, maybe even made fun of it a little. But eventually you cave and give it a try, quietly and alone, hidden in your room, equally excited and embarrassed. In your mind, the world will make fun of you for your new interest. But you boot your device anyways and then the difficulty starts.

You have to choose. Choose your first asset. This is the one that will be the backbone of all your assets. You make your choice. You're invested now. You have an asset and you are immediately attached to it. There is no rule that says you have to stay with that first choice but it just feels...wrong to trade it for something else.

Then you get your second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh.

You are so happy and just plain proud of the names in front of you. You have a real bond. An unbreakable bond. You may get more assets, but they'll never replace this lineup.

But then it happens. You have an opportunity to get a new asset, but you have to remove one of those names you just said would never be removed. It hurts, you actually feel guilty. It makes no sense, but it happens. You replace your least favorite asset with this new one. And by god it was the right move...on paper.

Soon after you replace another. It's easier this time, less guilt. less shame. "It's all in the numbers. It's the smart move" you tell yourself, and the squirming in your stomach leaves. Then another, and another. Eventually you have only one of your starting assets left.

This is the true test. This is your First one. Your entry into your new passion. You see the name and smile, remembering the first time you officially owned one. But there is a new opportunity. One you've heard is going to be amazing for you. You've looked at the numbers and read some guides. You even watched some YouTube videos about it.

So do you keep your first, or leave it behind, breaking the bond, but ultimately improving your chances of victory?

I choose......