Why Choose Self-Directed Precious Metal IRA Over Regular IRA

The millennial generation oftentimes kept on saying that life is something we should not worry about, especially that we only live once without thinking that we actually live every day and we only die once. Since we live every day, we must meet each day with a sense of life security by having a decent and modest living.

There are numerous insurance policies that will keep yourself secured, and it may cover your health policy, education, car, house, and the list may be limitless. But these insurance policies are good when you are still earning but not when you are on the point of diminishing returns. Wherein you are already on the stage or in the age bracket that can no longer be gainfully employed.

Including that stage of “old age” in your life as part of Your life’s road map must reflect and include the stage of “old age” and retirement. In this way, you will realize the importance of having enough “savings” or an insurance policy that will cover the stage of “old age.” It will be too late if you are going to think about it when you are already stuck on that stage of retirement.

There could be some apprehensions about thinking of retirement and “old age.” It is something that we tried to avoid pondering on, but it is a reality that is inevitable. Each one of us is heading to that stage except when there is a time capsule where we can reverse the time. But since there is no available time travel, the best step is to grab a policy that will keep you covered when you are no longer earning.

Facing the days of our twilight may be exciting when you are not bothered as to where you will get the finances for everyday expenses, especially when you are accustomed to a comfortable life during the time when you are still earning. Having a financial security during the twilight days will make you age gracefully.

The market is bombarded with different types of retirement benefits that may cause some confusion as to which one will fit your needs and lifestyle. However, there is one retirement policy that already earned a mark in the industry, which is the IRA. This is one of the most sought-after retirement policies for the simple fact that it gives a maximum tax benefit. From the tax benefits and tax breaks, you can actually put it for your retirement savings account. If you are a holder of an IRA account, you have the opportunity to make some investments in mutual funds, bonds, precious metals, and stocks.

To shed light on the different types of IRA, let us focus on the two types of IRA, which are the conventional and self-directed IRA. Basically, when we talk about the conventional IRA, it revolves around paper-based assets such as bonds and stocks. On the other hand, the self-directed IRA is the opposite, for it involves non-paper assets such as metals.

Photo by Michael Steinberg from Pexels

Classifications of Conventional IRA

Let us put into focus the different classifications of the conventional IRA, which are the Traditional IRA and the Roth IRA. Everything is a matter of your choice as a taxpayer. The options of either having a Traditional IRA or the Roth IRA entirely depend on how you opt to pay for your taxes.

If you are a type of a taxpayer that pays full his entire taxable income in order to enjoy the perks of the retirement life, then most likely than not, you will settle for a Roth IRA. Having a Roth IRA is just like having an independent retirement account. You have to shell out some contributions from the after-tax dollars. However, such shelling out of a few bucks right now will make you totally enjoy your retirement, for you can have a tax-free withdrawal from your account during your retirement.

The Traditional IRA is the usual savings from the tax benefits earned from your current income. Unlike the Roth IRA, although tax is deferred while you are saving for your traditional IRA, the withdrawals made from the Traditional IRA during retirement age will still be deducted from your taxes. Taking it on a positive note, the capital gains that you have in your traditional IRA are deferred until the time it is withdrawn.

When we talk about the Traditional IRA, it simply means that the contributions are taken from the portion of your pre-tax dollars. It thereby decreases your taxable income, which only means one thing, which is you may have a little cash on hand at present, but surely you will have a secured retirement life in the future.

You may still be confused as to what is the difference between the Traditional IRA and the Roth IRA. Let us put it in a simplified scenario, having a traditional IRA will put you in a lower tax bracket during your retirement age, which means that you are secured with a reduced tax on your account withdrawals during your retirement age and not to mention that you can presently enjoy a less income tax on your salary.

If your line of thinking is to expand your income bracket during your retirement age, you will not settle for a Traditional IRA, but you will opt for the Roth IRA. It is considered the best option than the Traditional IRA for you will not pay an increased tax on your withdrawals and eventually enjoy tax free withdrawals when you hit the age of 59.

If your age is already hitting 50 and above, the amount you can contribute for the Conventional IRA is about six thousand dollars to seven thousand dollars.

Convenience of having a Conventional IRA

As per GoldIRAs101, the very purpose of having an IRA account is not just for the sake of having savings but rather to make your money grow and roll by investing it in financial products with deferred tax payments. However, in a Conventional IRA account, you can only make an investment in paper assets such as stocks and bonds. There could be a lot of advantages of investing in paper assets, but it is also susceptible to market fluctuations.

If your mind is set to have more leeway for your financial investment and not just being limited in paper assets, surely the Self-Directed IRA will appeal to you. Both the Conventional IRA and the Self-Directed IRA have the same functionalities as well as the set of requirements in opening the account; however, the difference lies in the type of investment.

The Self-Directed IRA gives more leeway and freedom in terms of investment, for you can invest in promissory notes, mineral rights, cryptocurrency, real estate, minerals rights, livestock, precious metals, and the like. Given this type of investment leeway and freedom, you must have a custodian, but he has a passive role in your financial dealings, for everything is still under your active supervision.

Precious Metal’s Benefits in IRA

Time immemorial, the world is being run by these precious metals, wherein economic trades are being made through the exchange of precious metals. Some of the known precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, and iridium. Among these metals, silver and gold are considered more precious. There are enormous benefits that can be derived from investing in the precious metals in the self-derived IRA.


In a self-directed IRA, your investment can have the best of two worlds wherein you can both invest in paper assets such as bonds and stocks and still may invest in non-paper assets such as precious metals, thereby increasing and maximizing your profits by about ten folds.

The stock market is oftentimes being regarded as a volatile investment for stocks may subject to market fluctuations. In order to compensate for such volatility in stock trading, you may opt to have a secure investment through the precious metals.

It is a known fact that the market value for these precious metals always appreciates, and there is no chance for it to depreciate. Having an investment in precious metals, which is known for its level of security in terms of market value, will eventually offset any fluctuations or market swings in the paper assets.

Complete Autonomy

The great leeway and financial investment freedom given in the self-directed IRA is that you will have a full autonomy in choosing your custodian or depositary of the precious metals. Still, the IRA is being managed by the custodian; however, you have a certain degree of control, unlike with the traditional IRA.

Tax benefits

The best part of the deal is that your investment in these precious metals is tax deferred, thereby maximizing your profit.