Who Controls Money Can Control The World... And Whoever Created Bitcoin Was Aware of That

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This one is a famous quote from a person I despise a lot, Henry Kissinger. The man is one of the elites currently puppeting the world, it is a total centralization advocate and a scum...

Lately, we've been proven that the control over the food supply, energy, and money is highly centralized. In the case of money that has been the situation for centuries, if not millennia already, but food used to be "distributed". I remember most of the stuff that was going into our food when we were kids came from the open market, not the damn supermarket which is a form of centralization of our food sources.

There were small retailers here and there selling all sorts of foods, back in the day, but now we buy something like 90% or more of our food from the supermarket or the renowned fast food chains which are actually selling us poisoned food. This is disgusting if you ask me and dangerous at the same time. We see that farmers are in danger of losing their businesses lately due to absurd climate measures and the digital era is clearly upon us.

Digital means trackable, and digital also means nonpalpable. Cash is almost extinct in many countries around the world and probably by 2030(the famous great reset year) there won't be any cash left for use anywhere in the world.

China is one step ahead in this regard, but China is a communist country manifesting communist ways of control over its people. These poor ones(the Chinese) are already living in cages, some larger and some smaller. However, as David Icke warned us for a few years already, the West oftentimes follows suit in applying totalitarian measures over its citizens thus we really need to pay attention to China.

Digital money(CBDC) is already usable in China and according to a recent report it seems that China is putting expiration dates on such digital money and it is also designating clear guidance lines on what certain individuals can spend such currency. China knows how to control money... This is clear to me.

The testimony of Billionaire Mark Mobius who is not able to move money out of his businesses in China is also proof that we're in the works of the creation of a dystopian world where freedom is no longer a given for the individual.

You see, we were told that whatever tech that is available to us is labeled as "smart" is actually designed to use its smartness for our own benefit and convenience, but that's not really the case. Your smartwatch is spying on you, the smartphone does the same, smart meters are also collecting data and sending it to their producers/lords and sooner than later we will be having "smart cars" and "smart cities" that will decide how and to what extent we can use these.

15 minutes cities are already gaining traction among climate change fans and world saviors but 15 minutes cities are another form of modern slavery. While you can still opt out from using a smartphone, smartwatch, or any sort of smart meter, while still being able to use cash for your everyday living, the question that should arise right now is: what happens when cash goes extinct and how will the control of the ones manifesting total over the issuance of money will look like

You see, we often think of Satoshi Nakamoto as the man/group of people who invented "that better money", but in reality, he/them has opened the door to a new world where we plebs still have a chance of fighting for our freedoms and liberties that are threatened by these elites in so many ways. Now, look at El Salvador and put it side by side with China, where would you like to live for the next few decades as we go through this so-called great reset...

Where would Satoshi live?...

Thanks for your attention,