Where the content a are coming from?

Greetings fam!! I trust we are doing good. I wish you promising luck and a successful life journey. We all know this is the era of social media and cryptocurrency. There are a lot of ways to earn crypto except buying it. For instance by posting original quality content on decentralized social media where contents are owned by you and utilized by the platform in one way or another. 

They are directly connected to the blockchain and you are getting paid for the work done by you, just like swirge where your postings directly go to the BINANCE blockchain and you get SWGb in return.


The same is the case with uptrennd where 1up is powered by etherum blockchain and we are paid 1up tokens for the contents posted.


For noise case, and read cash it's BCH which serves as a reward. For tipestry the crypto is Dogecoin, for torum, it's xtm for Hive it's hive token(I am learning about hive will come out some information soon).


Yesterday I signed up for Publishox using the link from @PVMihalache. After exploring the platform I gotta know that we can't publish directly but need to apply first for becoming an author for the platform.


After fulfilling the form and required credentials I submitted my application which get approved about 3 hours after the application and I wrote my introduction there. It's having 0.01$ as a reward.

Why I am writing this!!!!

I understand that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Joining more platform isn't a good decision when we can't give them properly and daily. I even don't write on noise. cash consistently like others is doing. Then the question is why I am joining all?

It's for a specific reason!!!


I stated in my bio ?? CRYPTO LEARNER. So I am joining every platform for increased learning in the field of crypto. My incomes from these platforms are incentives the basic motive is knowledge. I am a jobian and a student as well. Using the phone for the whole day isn't an issue for me. I am addicted to it.


Like I learned trading from my friends @leejhen and @Anabiya I came to know about crypto from UPTRENND. From publishox I found ways to build a crypto portfolio. Predictions of prices and much more.


From the title, you can see WHERE THE CONTENTS ARE COMING FROM.so it's obvious nothing can be achieved without work. I am a person of words so I won't defeat the trust and agreements. When I read NO PLAGIARISM believe me I won't do that. When a platform is restricting me from spamming I won't mess with rules. I don't copy others' contents I don't break rules. My self-respect and inner satisfaction are much more than money. So I won't doubt my instincts for money. And the simple is "I won't abuse the contents". Also, I am not a robot to write a lot for all platforms. Though I will write and them cross publish accordingly.


All the write-ups on all the platforms with my username are my own and self-created. If I would use the quoted text I would source that. If images don't belong to me I would source them.


Read cash don't accept already published contents so I would be writing my all articles on read cash and then cross-post them on my uptrennd, torum, noise cash, hive, and publishox.


If you see the same contents as mine on any platform don't doubt. It's me writing this.


I would source the links and use the same username even my bio is the same for many platforms.


So here are the accounts that belong to me on different platforms having the same relevant contents.

  • Mahnoor as publisher

  • Uptrenndian Mahnoor

  • Manhoor Noiser

  • Mahnoor Lander at torum

  • Tipster Mahnoor

  • Mahnoor at hive

  • Tweet me

Thank you for having eyes on my article.

?©Mahnoor Danish.