Want to be a programmer? Coinbase trains, hires you for $8,000

If you want to be a programmer, COINBASE trains, hires you for $8k (Pic by @markusspiske on Unsplash)  

In Short

  • Coinbase launches a free course together with Onramp school on full-stack programming.

  • Those who complete the course will join the company with a salary of more than $8,000.

The company opened a full-stack training program to hire those who complete the course. The call is open to interested people from anywhere in the world. Both the course and the job are 100% remote and are in the English language. That is, you could do it from home or wherever you are, as long as you have a computer, internet connection and know the language.

Something striking is that it is not necessary to have previous studies in programming or work experience in the profession to register and get hired. During the preparation process, organizers will only evaluate the performance of each individual. , a technical school oriented towards job opportunities, created the program.

Coinbase course guarantees a career as a programmer.

The program provides training on the leading technologies, languages, and design patterns necessary to use on the job. Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase promises that after completing the preparation, the applicant "will be ready to start working on their first day with their new team.

In principle, Coinbase will hire all those who complete the first part of the training as interns. Per hour of work, they pay $50. Once the whole learning period is over, they will have the opportunity to access full-time employment, with a salary above $8,000

Coinbase aims for candidates to have learning skills, teamwork, communication, proactivity, and ingenuity. There are no requirements for more technical aspects, but specific previous knowledge could facilitate the training process. Some elements that could make the program easier are knowing a little about object-oriented programming, design, typescript, REST APIs or GraphQL APIs, Git and MongoDB

cryptocurrency exchange is making moves to continue growing, such as sponsoring the NBA. The initiative explains why it needs to expand its staff and train its future employees with specific tools. It assures that "the training plan addresses all the important skills needed to get hired.

This post was previously posted by the author in Vantica Trading